Purpose of the Register
The establishment of the Register dates from a Resolution
of the House on 17 December 1985 (shown overleaf). Essentially
the purpose of the Register is to record "the officers of
the Group, and the source and extent of any benefits financial
or in kind from outside sources which they may enjoy, together
with any other relevant gainful occupation of any staff which
they may have."
Form of the Register
Section 1: Country groups,
the majority of which function under the auspices of the Inter
Parliamentary Union (IPU) or the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association
(CPA). Groups are listed in alphabetical order according to the
name of the country or region to which the group relates.
Section 2: Subject groups,
listed in alphabetical order according to the group's title.
Titles: Groups termed
All-Party Parliamentary Groups (APPGs) allow full membership
(ie voting rights) to Members of either House only; Associate
Parliamentary Groups (APGs) allow full membership to Members of
either House and to Strangers. Only groups which are both on the
Register and on the Approved List (see below) may use these titles.
Administrative Arrangements and Inspection
The Register is usually updated at the beginning
of every month, when the House is sitting. It is available for
public inspection at the House of Commons, by appointment only
(contact 020-7219 6615), and a copy is put in the Library for
Members to inspect. It is also on the Internet at
(select `Index', then the letter `R', then `Register of All-Party
The Register is compiled and maintained by the Assistant
Registrar (020-7219 0401) on behalf of the Parliamentary Commissioner
for Standards and is regulated by the Committee on Standards and
Approved List of All-Party Parliamentary Groups
and Associate Parliamentary Groups
The Register is distinct from the Approved List,
which exists because of a Resolution made by the House on 31 October
1984. Groups so listed enjoy certain privileges over unlisted
groups (eg. they may use the words Parliamentary and All-Party
in the group's title; they have greater priority when booking
meeting rooms; they may use the All-Party Notices to advertise
their meetings). Inclusion on the Approved List is optional but
is only allowed to groups that undertake to meet certain conditions
regarding membership and working practices.
The Approved List is compiled and maintained by the
Assistant Registrar on behalf of the Parliamentary Commissioner
for Standards, though it is regulated by the Administration Committee.
It is regularly updated and circulated to various departments
within the House. A copy is available for inspection by Members
in the Oriel Room at the House of Commons.
Information List
The House of Commons Information Office (020-7219
4272) produces an Information List of all registered and
approved groups. This details each group's statement of purpose
and officers as well as providing background information about
groups generally.
17 December 1985
Resolved, That this House takes note
of the Report of the Select Committee on Members' Interests in
the last Session of Parliament; welcomes the intention of the
Committee stated in paragraphs 7 and 9 of the Report to keep under
review both Parliamentary lobbying and the appropriate scope of
the declaration and registration required of Members who are so
engaged; emphasises that it is the personal responsibility of
each Member to have regard to his public position and the good
name of Parliament in any work he undertakes or any interest he
acquires; confirms that the scope of the requirements to register
remunerated trades, professions or vocations includes any remunerated
activity in the fields of public relations and political and parliamentary
advice and consultancy; in particular agrees with the Select Committee
in its statement in paragraph 10 of its Report in regard to the
registration and declaring of clients that the services which
require such registration and, where appropriate, declaration:
`include as well as any action connected with any proceedings
in the House or its Committees, the sponsoring of functions in
the Palace, making representations to Ministers, Civil Servants
and other Members, accompanying delegations to Ministers and the
like'; and further agrees with its recommendations in the interests
of greater openness, namely that:
| 1. those holding permanent passes as lobby journalists accredited to Parliamentary press Gallery or for parliamentary broadcasting be required to register not only the employment for which they had received their pass, but also any other paid occupation or employment where their privileged access to Parliament is relevant;
| |
| 2. holders of permanent passes as Members' secretaries or Members' research assistants be required to register any relevant gainful occupation which they may pursue other than that for which the pass is issued; and
| |
| 3. Commons officers in All-Party Groups, Parliamentary Groups, and Groups whose membership is open to Members of either House of more than one party[1], be required to register the names of the officers of the Group, and the source and extent of any benefits financial or in kind from outside sources which they may enjoy, together with any other relevant gainful occupation of any staff which they may have. Where a public relations agency provides the assistance, the ultimate client should be named;
and that the Registers be made available for public
inspection under arrangements to be approved by the Committee
on Standards and Privileges[2];
and asks that the Committee considers further measures to strengthen
disclosure provisions including the possibility of identifying
interests in Parliamentary Questions, whether the amount of remuneration
should be declared as well as the interest, and whether there
is the need to consider constraints on voting.
1 Words in italics were amended by a Resolution
of the House on 10 March 1989. Back
Words in italics were amended by a Resolution of the House
on 29 July 1998. Back