ENERGY STUDIES: Parliamentary Group for Energy Studies
Joint Treasurers
Joint Secretaries
Dr Ashok Kumar MP
Dr Michael Clark MP
Lord Currie of Marylebone
Lord Skelmersdale
Andrew Stunell MP
Allan Rogers MP
Lord Fraser of Carmyllie
Denis Murphy MP
Michael Clapham MP
Sir Michael Spicer MP
Benefits from outside sources
Administrative support is provided by CSM Parliamentary Consultants and paid for from subscriptions (none of which is individually over £350).
The following are co-sponsors of Energy Focus, the group's journal: Shell International Ltd, Price Waterhouse Coopers, British Energy plc.
23-24 September 1999: North Sea Oil visit as guests of Shell International Ltd.
19 July 2000: Joint reception with the Electricity Association.
Staff who have other gainful occupation
Christine Stewart-Munro, Managing Director, CSM Parliamentary Consultants.