Benefits from outside sources
Administrative assistance and office is provided by Networking for Industry. Occasional advice and some administrative support provided by Urban Mines Ltd.
£500 per annum received from each of the following corporate members: ADAS, Asda Stores Ltd, Aspinwall and Co Ltd, Aylesford Newsprint, BFI Wastecare, BG Plc, British Glass, British Cements Association, BP Chemicals, British Steel, Cameron McKenna, Coca Cola Great Britain and Ireland, Community Recycling Network, Corrugated Packaging Association, Cory Environmental Ltd, County Environmental Services, Denton Hall, Disposal Sales Agency - MoD, Energy From Waste Association, Environmental Agency, Environmental Services Association, Groundwork Thames Valley, INCPEN, Instititue of Packaging, Institiute of Wastes Management, Kent Energy Ltd, Kimberly-Clark Europe, LARAC, Martin Engineering Systems Ltd, Monplas Industries Ltd, Nestle UK Ltd, Norfolk County Council, Onyx Environmental Group, Packaging Federation, Perchards, PIFA, Phillips Electronics, Pro-Carton, Proctor & Gamble Ltd, Rover Group Ltd, S Grundon Ltd, Shanks and McEwan Group plc, Scotoil Group, Tetra Pak UK, Transorganics Ltd, UK Waste Management Limited, Unilever plc, Vauxhall, Valpak, Waste Tyre Solutions.