UK Parliament

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House of Lords publications on the internet

Private Bills before Parliament

Listed below are the titles of private bills that were before Parliament at the end of Session 2000-2001. The full text of each Bill is available on this site. indicates bills in the House of Commons and those in the House of Lords. Bills which start in the House of Lords have [HL] in their title.

  • A complete list of private bills before Parliament in the session 2000-2001, together with information about their progress through Parliament, can be found in the Weekly Information Bulletin.

  • Private bills which have been passed by both Houses from 1997 onwards, and have received Royal Assent as Acts of Parliament are available in full text here (Local Acts).

  • A factsheet about Private Bill Procedures in the House of Commons is available here

  • Information about Private Bill Procedures in the House of Lords is available here

  • If you would like further information about Private Bills and how to petition against them you can contact:

    • House of Commons Private Bill Office by phone: 020 7219 3250, by fax: 020 7219 6864, by e-mail: or by writing to The Private Bill Office, House of Commons, London, SW1A 0AA
    • House of Lords Private Bill Office by phone: 020 7219 3231, by fax: 020 7219 2571, by e-mail: or by writing to The Private Bill Office, House of Lords, London SW1A 0PW.

diamond Barclays Group Reorganisation Bill [HL]
            The Parliamentary Agents for this bill are Sharpe Pritchard
City of London (Ward Elections) Bill
            The Parliamentary Agents for this bill are Winckworth Sherwood
            Commons Private Bill Committee Report
Greenham and Crookham Commons Bill
            The Parliamentary Agents for this bill are Rees & Freres
Kent County Council Bill [HL] This bill has received Royal Assent and the Act will be found on Her Majesty's Stationery Office site shortly. In the meantime, you can continue to view the last version of the bill. This version may, however, be significantly different from the Act.
            The Parliamentary Agents for this bill are Sharpe Pritchard
            Commons Private Bill Committee Report
Medway Council Bill [HL] This bill has received Royal Assent and the Act will be found on Her Majesty's Stationery Office site shortly. In the meantime, you can continue to view the last version of the bill. This version may, however, be significantly different from the Act.
            The Parliamentary Agents for this bill are Sharpe Pritchard
diamond National Australia Group Europe Bill [HL]
            The Parliamentary Agents for this bill are Bircham Dyson Bell


© Parliamentary copyright 2001
Updated 11 May 2001