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Consideration of Bill, as amended

for Tuesday 13th March

1.   Kent County Council Bill [Lords].

On Consideration of Bill, as amended:

Amendments to be proposed (by the Promoters)

    Page      4,      line      26      [Clause 6], leave out (7) and insert (8). 5

    Page      5,      line      17      [Clause 6], leave out from 'than' to end of line 19 and insert-6

'the relevant amount'.

    Page      5,      line      23      [Clause 6], at end insert—7

'(4)   For the purposes of subsection (2) above the relevant amount" is—(a)   £10 in the case of vehicle parts, jewellery, watches, photographic equipment, sports equipment, equestrian equipment, boating equipment, musical instruments, tools, bicycles, optical equipment, firearms and gardening equipment; and(b)   £50 in the case of all other articles to which that subsection applies;or in either case, such other amount (being no lower than the existing amount) as the council may, with the approval of the Secretary of State, determine.'

    Page      5,      line      24      [Clause 6], leave out '(7)' and insert '(8)'.8

    Page      5,      line      36      [Clause 6], leave out '(4)' and insert '(5)'.9

    Page      6,      line      2      [Clause 6], leave out '(4)' and insert '(5)'.10

    Page      6,      line      3      [Clause 6], leave out '(4)' and insert '(5)'.11

    Page      6,      line      21      [Clause 6], leave out '(4), (8) or (9)' and insert '(5), (9) or (10)'.12

    Page      6,      line      39      [Clause 7], leave out '(4)' and insert '(5)'.13

    Page      6,      line      42      [Clause 7], leave out '(4)' and insert '(5)'.14

    [For other Amendments, see pp. 77 to 78 of the Notice Paper relating to Private Business].

2.   Medway Council Bill [Lords].

On Consideration of Bill, as amended:

Amendments to be proposed (by the Promoters)

    Page      4,      line      32      [Clause 6], leave out (4) and insert (8).15

    Page      5,      line      27      [Clause 6], leave out from 'than' to end of line 19 and insert-6

'the relevant amount'.

    Page      5,      line      33      [Clause 6], at end insert—7

'(4)   For the purposes of subsection (2) above the relevant amount" is—(a)   £10 in the case of vehicle parts, jewellery, watches, photographic equipment, sports equipment, equestrian equipment, boating equipment, musical instruments, tools, bicycles, optical equipment, firearms and gardening equipment; and(b)   £50 in the case of all other articles to which that subsection applies;or in either case, such other amount (being no lower than the existing amount) as the council may, with the approval of the Secretary of State, determine.'

    Page      5,      line      34      [Clause 6], leave out '(7)' and insert '(8)'.8

    Page      6,      line      1      [Clause 6], leave out '(4)' and insert '(5)'.9

    Page      6,      line      14      [Clause 6], leave out '(4)' and insert '(5)'.10

    Page      6,      line      15      [Clause 6], leave out '(4)' and insert '(5)'.11

    Page      6,      line      33      [Clause 7], leave out '(4), (8) or (9)' and insert '(5), (9) or (10)'.12

    Page      7,      line      6      [Clause 7], leave out '(4)' and insert '(5)'.13

    Page      7,      line      9      [Clause 7], leave out '(4)' and insert '(5)'.14

    [For other Amendments, see pp. 77 to 78 of the Notice Paper relating to Private Business].


    The promoters of the Medway Council Bill [Lords] have withdrawn their amendment No. 2 (Private Business Notice Paper page 78).

    Mr Julian Brazier has withdrawn his amendment No. 4 to the Kent County Council Bill [Lords], and his amendment No. 5 to the Medway Council Bill [Lords] (Private Business Notice Paper pages 77 to 78).


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Prepared 12 March 2001