KAUFMAN, Rt. Hon. Gerald (Manchester, Gorton) |
2. | Remunerated employment, office, profession etc |
|  | Occasional articles for miscellaneous newspapers, and occasional broadcasts on radio and television. |
6. | Overseas visits |
| | ~11-13 August 2000, to Geneva to address and chair session of First International Conference on the Right to Self Determination and the United Nations, organised by the International Human Rights Association of American Minorities and the International Council on Human Rights, both international non-governmental organisations. Travel and accommodation provided by conference organisers. (Registered 14 August 2000) |
| | ~22-25 September 2000, to Jerusalem to chair working group of Anglo-Israel Colloquium (registered charity). Travel and accommodation provided by organisers. (Registered 2 October 2000) |
KEEBLE, Sally (Northampton North) |
6. | Overseas visits |
| | 27-29 October 2000, to Berlin, accommodation paid for by the Freidrich Ebert Stiftung. (Registered 2 April 2001) |
9. | Registrable shareholdings |
| | (a) | Rose Cottage Trust; a family property-holding trust. |
KEEN, Alan (Feltham and Heston) |
| Nil. |
KEEN, Ann (Brentford and Isleworth) |
2. | Remunerated employment, office, profession etc |
| | Editor of CDNA Care Journal from 1 October 1997. |
10. | Miscellaneous and unremunerated interests |
| | Registered with the United Kingdom Central Council for Nursing (UKCC) as a RN. |
KEETCH, Paul (Hereford) |
2. | Remunerated employment, office, profession etc |
| | Fees for media appearances and articles. |
| | Payments for participation in opinion polls. |
4. | Sponsorship or financial or material support |
| | Receives some secretarial, administrative and research support from members of the Herefordshire Parliamentary Business Club. |
5. | Gifts, benefits and hospitality (UK) |
| | Visit to various sporting events as guest of Events International, a corporate hospitality company based in my constituency. (Registered 16 December 1999) |
6. | Overseas visits |
| | 15-17 March 2000, British-Netherlands All-Party Parliamentary Group visit to the Netherlands Second Chamber at the Hague. Travel paid by Group from funds donated by declared sponsors, namely Royal Dutch Shell, Unilever and Reid Elsevier. All other expenses met by the Second Chamber. (Registered 4 April 2000) |
| | 11-13 April 2000, to Moscow to address a conference held by the National Investment Council of Russia, who paid for my hotel and flight. (Registered 15 April 2000) |
| | 11-13 July 2000, to Washington DC, under the auspices of the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Global Security and Non-proliferation, to meet Members of Congress, the National Security Council and the Administration to discuss the US National Missile Defence and CTBT ratification. Flight and hotel costs paid for by the W Alton Jones Foundation of Charlottesville, Virginia, USA. (Registered 20 July 2000) |
| | 2-3 December 2000, to USA, to visit US aircraft carrier USS George Washington in my capacity as Liberal Democrat Shadow Minister of Defence. Flights and accommodation provided by the US Navy. (Registered 5 December 2000) |
9. | Registrable shareholdings |
| | (a) | Hereford and County Liberal Club Company Limited. |
KELLY, Ruth (Bolton West) |
2. | Remunerated employment, office, profession etc |
| | Occasional earnings from journalism. |
| | Member of Political Opinion Panel of BPRI (Business Planning and Research International). |
| | Member of Harris Parliamentary Panel. (£1-£1,000) |
6. | Overseas visits |
| | 3-7 November 2000, to Rome, Italy, for the Jubilee of Government Leaders, Members of Parliament and Politicians. Travel expenses paid for by the All-Party Anglo-Italian Parliamentary Group. Accommodation and hospitality for myself, my husband and baby daughter paid for by the Vatican. (Registered 29 November 2000) |
KEMP, Fraser (Houghton and Washington East) |
2. | Remunerated employment, office, profession etc |
| | Fees from broadcasting, journalism and surveys. All fees/gifts received are donated to "Wearside Women in Need" which is based in my constituency and which helps women and children who are victims of domestic violence. |
4. | Sponsorship or financial or material support |
| | A full-time researcher has been provided to me by the BBC for a maximum of five months as part of an assignment to learn about the political process and the work of Westminster. |
6. | Overseas visits |
| | 21-29 May 2000, study tour to San Francisco and Silicon Valley, California, organised by the Parliamentary Information Technology Committee. Air fares and part hotel costs paid by the Committee. Other accommodation, meals and local travel provided by Nortel Networks, Text 100 and Lucent Technologies. (Registered 22 June 2000) |
10. | Miscellaneous and unremunerated interests |
| | Director and Vice Chair of CO-Gas Safety, the Carbon Monoxide Gas Safety Society, a registered charity (unremunerated). |
KENNEDY, Rt Hon Charles (Ross, Skye and Inverness West) |
2. | Remunerated employment, office, profession, etc. |
| | I receive fees from writing, broadcasting and speechmaking. |
| | Occasional fees from participation in opinion polling surveys. |
| | 22 March 2000, fee from Diana Boulter agency for speaking engagement for Ernst & Young. |
| | 12 April 2000, Fee from Diana Boulter agency for speaking engagement for Ernst & Young. |
| | 28 April 2000, fee from JLA agency for speaking engagement for Newcastle Building Society. |
| | 25 May 2000, fee from JLA agency for speaking engagement for Factors and Discounting Agency. |
| | 13 June 2000, fee from London Speakers' Bureau for speaking engagement for Institute of Waste Management. |
| | Earnings from the publication of my book "The Future of Politics" published on 13 September 2000. |
4. | Sponsorship or financial or material support |
| | Donations to the Office of the Leader of the Liberal Democrats received from: |
| |  | C A Church Ltd. of Salisbury, Wiltshire. |
| | | Dominion Press Ltd. of Harrow, Middlesex. |
8. | Land and Property |
| | Single bedroomed flat in London, from which a rental income is derived. |
KENNEDY, Jane (Liverpool, Wavertree) |
| Nil. |
KEY, Robert (Salisbury) |
2. | Remunerated employment, office, profession etc |
| | Business consultant to ESYS Ltd. of Guildford (three month contract from 5 January 1999). |
| | Occasional fees from writing and broadcasting, speaking, lecturing and chairing conferences. |
| | 9-11 November 1999, I chaired a conference on healthcare organised by College House Conferences for which I received a fee and expenses. |
| | Consultant to ProAgro BV (from 1 January 2001) (£5,001-£10,000). |
| | Consultant to Ortivus UK Ltd. (from 1 February-16 March 2001); consultancy in respect of the market prospects for patients informatics systems within the NHS. (£1,001-£5,000) |
6. | Overseas visits |
| | 21 September 2000, to Paris for briefing by French Government Directorate General of Armaments and Thomson-CSF who paid for my transport. (Registered 25 September 2000) |
KHABRA, Piara (Ealing, Southall) |
| Nil. |
KIDNEY, David (Stafford) |
2. | Remunerated employment, office, profession etc |
| | Equity partner in solicitors' practice, Jewels and Kidney, Stafford. |
| | Member of Harris Parliamentary Panel. |
| | Member of Political Opinion Panel of BPRI (Business Planning and Research International). (£1-£1,000) |
| | | Fees from both panels paid me or to a charity of my choice. |
| | Occasional fees from broadcasting, etc. |
8. | Land and Property |
| | Part-owner of the freehold of the solicitors' offices of Jewels and Kidney. |
10. | Miscellaneous and unremunerated interests |
| | Honorary President of the Bethany Project, a charitable company limited by guarantee, which exists to provide shelter and other services to the homeless in Stafford Borough (unremunerated). |
| | Patron of ASIST, a charitable company limited by guarantee, which exists to provide citizen advocacy for the residents of Staffordshire (unremunerated). |
| | Trustee of Thirlmere Way Day Centre at Rising Brook, Stafford; a registered charity which exists to provide community facilities for elderly people in the Rising Brook area (unremunerated). |
| | Co-Chair of PACTS (Parliamentary Advisory Council on Transport Safety), a registered charity (unremunerated). |
| | Honorary President of the Staffordshire Ramblers Association. |
KILFOYLE, Peter (Liverpool, Walton) |
2. | Remunerated employment, office, profession etc |
| | Occasional payment for articles and media appearances. |
5. | Gifts, benefits and hospitality (UK) |
| | 15-18 April 2001, four nights in a hotel paid for by the NASUWT (National Association of Schoolmasters/Union of Women Teachers) whilst attending their 2001 Annual Conference. (Registered 8 May 2001) |
KING, Andy (Rugby and Kenilworth) |
5. | Gifts, benefits and hospitality (UK) |
| | 5-6 May 2000, dinner and overnight accommodation for me and my wife as guests of Alstom UK Ltd. (Registered 3 October 2000) |
6. | Overseas visits |
| | 3-17 September 2000, to China. Travel to China paid by myself, all travel and accommodation in China provided by the Chinese Association for International Understanding. (Registered 3 October 2000) |
KING, Oona (Bethnal Green and Bow) |
2. | Remunerated employment, office, profession etc |
| | Occasional lecturing, broadcasting and journalism. |
4. | Sponsorship or financial or material support |
| | Administrative assistance for three days a week provided by Community Links, a charitable organisation. |
KING, Rt. Hon. Tom (Bridgwater) |
1. | Remunerated directorships |
| | Electra Investment Trust PLC. |
| | Non-executive Chairman, London International Exhibition Centre Holdings Ltd. |
| | Non-executive Chairman, London International Exhibition Centre Ltd. |
6. | Overseas visits |
| | 24-26 February 2001, to Kuwait, as the guest of the Kuwaiti Government, to join in the celebrations in connection with the 10th Anniversary of their liberation from Iraq. (Registered 5 April 2001) |
8. | Land and Property |
| | Farm and woodlands at Chippenham, Wiltshire. |
KINGHAM, Tess (Gloucester) |
6. | Overseas visits |
| | 23 July-2 August 2000, to Kenya, Rwanda, Burundi and Tanzania, on a fact-finding visit with the All-Party Parliamentary Group on the Great Lakes Region, paid for by Christian Aid. (Registered 9 January 2001) |
10. | Miscellaneous and unremunerated interests |
| | Member of the Council of the Overseas Development Institute (ODI) (unremunerated). |
KIRKBRIDE, Julie (Bromsgrove) |
2. | Remunerated employment, office, profession etc |
| | Member of Political Opinion Panel of BPRI (Business Planning and Research International). |
| | Member of Harris Parliamentary Panel. |
| | Member of MORI Opinion Panel. |
| | Member of Gallup Opinion Panel. |
| | Occasional payments for broadcasting and journalism. |
| | Fee of £1750 for my appearance as guest presenter on Power House (Channel Four). |
6. | Overseas visits |
| | 26-27 November 2000, to Berlin, courtesy of the Hans Seidel Foundation. (Registered 14 December 2000) |
KIRKWOOD, Archy (Roxburgh and Berwickshire) |
2. | Remunerated employment, office, profession etc |
| | Member of Political Opinion Panel of BPRI (Business Planning and Research International). (£1-£1,000) |
| | Occasional fees for broadcasting and journalism. |
4. | Sponsorship or financial or material support |
| | Joseph Rowntree Trust meet occasional costs incurred as Chairman of Social Security Select Committee in providing hospitality to guests and witnesses not otherwise met by House rules on expenses. |
7. | Overseas benefits and gifts |
| | 22 January 2001, I was given a gift set of decanter and two glasses by the Taipei Representative Office in the United Kingdom in Edinburgh. (Registered 26 January 2001) |
10. | Miscellaneous and unremunerated interests |
| | Director, Joseph Rowntree Reform Trust (no remuneration). |
| | Director, Family Budget Unit (no remuneration). |
| | Member, Royal College of Nursing Parliamentary Panel (no remuneration). |
| | Director, Industry and Parliament Trust (no remuneration). |
KUMAR, Dr. Ashok (Middlesborough South and East Cleveland) |
2. | Remunerated employment, office, profession etc |
| | Occasional surveys for MORI, the fees from which are paid to Middlesbrough South and East Cleveland Constituency Labour Party. |
6. | Overseas visits |
| | 18-27 February 2000, to India; flights paid for by Labour Friends of India, which is funded by donations from various British Indian companies and individuals, and hospitality and internal travel provided by the Indian Government. (Registered 7 March 2000) |
| | 26-31 March 2000, to Israel and the Palestinian Authority with Labour Friends of Israel to meet senior Israeli and Palestinian leaders in the Middle East Peace Process. Flight and accommodation paid for by Labour Friends of Israel. (Registered 12 April 2000) |