House of Commons - Minutes of Proceedings
House of Commons
Session 2000-01
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Minutes of Proceedings



Members present:

Mrs Marion Roe, in the Chair

Mr Stephen Day
Mr Fabian Hamilton
Dr Nick Palmer

The Committee deliberated.


Draft Report, proposed by the Chairman, brought up and read.

[For Minutes of Proceedings relating to the Report, see First Report from the Administration Committee, Session 2000-01, HC (2000-01) 213, p.xv].


Resolved, That the Committee agrees with the proposal from Julia Drown and Mrs Julie Morgan that certain appropriate organisations, the Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State (Employment and Equal Opportunities) DfEE and the Minister for Public Health be invited to submit written evidence on the matter of breastfeeding by Members and by members of the public within the precincts of the House; agrees further that all those invited to submit evidence be given the opportunity of meeting with the Committee to discuss such submissions; and agrees that the outside organisations invited be given the opportunity to undertake a tour of the House in order to evaluate the facilities currently provided.—(The Chairman.)


Resolved, That the Committee notes that the House of Commons Commission has referred the Committee's request for funds to undertake a consultancy exercise on the possible provision of childcare facilities to the Finance and Services Committee for its consideration.—(The Chairman.)


Resolved, That, noting that the British-American Parliamentary Group has the distinction of being funded by a grant-in-aid from HM Treasury, the Committee agrees to the Group's request that it be permitted to make bookings for the Attlee Suite ahead of the one month rule applied to other meetings.—(Mr Stephen Day.)

Resolved, That the Committee notes that the former Members' Interests Committee had set out that all All-Party and Associate Parliamentary Groups have to register the assistance received from outside sources; and agrees that should a Member of the House wish a change to such regulations, then that Member should seek to do it through the Committee on Standards and Privileges.—(The Chairman.)

Resolved, That the Committee agrees that there should be no further changes at this time to the existing rules and regulations concerning All-Party and Associate Parliamentary Groups.—(Dr Nick Palmer.)


Resolved, That the Committee notes the latest draft of the advice on Dissolution arrangements; and notes further that the Information Committee is considering further those matters within its remit.—(Mr Fabian Hamilton.)

Resolved, That the Committee, noting that it would not be a commercial event, agrees to the request from the Parliamentary Information Technology Committee (PITCOM) to mount an one-day exhibition of IT systems in the Attlee Suite immediately following the State Opening of the new Parliament.—(The Chairman.)


Resolved, That the Committee re-iterates that, due to the costs involved, annunciator sets should not be provided in the offices of Members' staff.—(The Chairman.)


Resolved, That the Committee agrees to the proposal by the British Red Cross to provide first aid training for Members; and agrees further that the Head of the Occupational Health, Safety and Welfare Service do liaise with the British Red Cross to determine the type of training to be provided.—(The Chairman.)

Resolved, That the Committee notes the temporary arrangements made by the Serjeant at Arms in order to provide a PDVN training room for Members.—(The Chairman.)


Resolved, That the Committee notes the letter from the Speaker of the Northern Ireland Assembly concerning access to the Assembly Parliament Buildings by Members of the House, of the House of Lords and of the European Parliament; and notes further that the Northern Ireland Assembly has not yet requested reciprocal arrangements.—(Dr Nick Palmer.)


Resolved, That subject to any additional staff and other costs being met by a Member of the House, the Committee agrees that the British-Spanish Tertulias be allowed the use of House facilities during 2–4 November 2001.—(The Chairman.)

[Adjourned till Tuesday 27 February 2001 at Five o'clock.


Members present:

Mrs Marion Roe, in the Chair

Mr Stephen Day
Caroline Flint
Mr Mike Hall
Dr Nick Palmer

The Committee deliberated.

10. BREASTFEEDING (ADM233-235, 242)

Resolved, That the Committee notes the report by the Chairman on action taken since the Committee's last meeting; notes further the proposals made already for improving facilities for breastfeeding; agrees that the matter be considered further once all written submissions requested have been received; and agrees that, with the aim of promoting greater choice, the Committee's consideration will cover areas including:

  • facilities for staff, as well as for Members and visitors to the Palace;

  • breastfeeding in the Chamber and in Committees;

  • improvements and appropriate conversions to existing facilities (eg, the ladies' lavatory adjacent to the Strangers' Gallery); and

  • that the needs of babies, as well as those of nursing mothers, are catered for.—(Caroline Flint.)


(i)   Hearing impaired people (ADM236)

Resolved, That the Committee notes the report from the Royal National Institute for Deaf People (RNID) concerning access to the Palace by hearing impaired people and other special interest groups; notes further that certain issues raised are outside the responsibility of the Committee; and agrees that the RNID report be referred to the Planning and Management Committee for its consideration and that officials report back to the Committee after such consideration with recommendations for future action.—(The Chairman.)

(ii)   Portcullis House (ADM237)

Resolved, that the Committee agrees to the request from London Open House, and recommends that, on a trial basis, the Portcullis House Courtyard be opened to schoolchildren during "Junior Open House" on 9 or 10 April 2001.—(The Chairman.)

Ordered, That the Chairman do seek Mr Speaker's endorsement of the aforementioned recommendation.—(Mr Mike Hall.)

(iii)   Press Gallery (ADM238)

Resolved, That, with the proviso that a written undertaking being given that both holders would not be present on the Parliamentary Estate at the same time except for limited periods for handover purposes, the Committee agrees to the request from The Guardian that one of its photo-identity passes be allocated to two job-sharing members of its staff; and agrees that, in the event of the facility being abused, the Serjeant at Arms may, with the Chairman's agreement, withdraw one of the passes so issued.—(Mr Mike Hall.)

(iv)   Members of devolved legislatures (ADM239)

Resolved, That the Committee notes the information received from the Office of the Presiding Officer, concerning access arrangements for Members of the House to the premises and facilities of the National Assembly for Wales; re-iterates its view that, due to pressure on House facilities, only those Members representing the whole of the United Kingdom be issued with photo-identity passes allowing access to the Parliamentary Estate; and considers that, should Members of the devolved legislatures require access to the Parliamentary Estate, then such access be arranged, as at present, through a Member of either House.—(Mr Stephen Day.)


Resolved, The Committee notes the agreement, in principle, of the Accommodation and Works Committee that a noticeboard be sited in the Families' Room for the use of Members' spouses' groups; agrees that, on a trial basis until the rise of the House for the Summer Adjournment, notices proposed to be displayed on the board should, in the first instance, be submitted to the Serjeant at Arms; and agrees further that notices show the date on which they were placed on the board and that they be removed after a maximum of one month.—(Dr Nick Palmer.)


Resolved, That the Committee notes the success with visitors of the trial electronic signage in Central Lobby; and recommends that, subject to the Serjeant at Arms taking into account points raised by the Committee concerning font size and the surround to the screen, the experiment now be made permanent; and recommends further that an additional electronic sign be installed adjacent to the pulpit on the Committee Corridor.—(The Chairman.)

Ordered, That the Chairman do seek Mr Speaker's endorsement of the aforementioned recommendations.—(Dr Nick Palmer.)


Resolved, That the Committee notes the report by the Chairman that;

  • proposals for a Holiday Playscheme in Summer 2001 will include the scheme being open to Members and their staff, as well as to staff of the House; and that, once the proposal has been considered by the Board of Management, the matter will be referred back to the Committee for its consideration; and

  • visitors to the Department of Finance and Administration's internet site are directed to websites and telephone contact points whereby they can obtain details of local childcare providers.—(Caroline Flint.)

Resolved, That, in the context of the Accommodation Strategy, the Committee invites the Serjeant at Arms to pursue the possibility of a second Families' Room, in order to provide discrete rooms for adults and for children.—(Caroline Flint.)

Resolved, That, at a future meeting, the Committee do consider a Report to the House detailing such progress as has been made during this Parliament on the provision of childcare facilities.—(Caroline Flint.)

[Adjourned till Tuesday 20 March 2001 at Five o'clock.


Members present:

Mrs Marion Roe, in the Chair

Mr David Crausby
Mr Stephen Day
Caroline Flint
Dr Nick Palmer
Mr William Ross

The Committee deliberated.


Resolved, That the Committee notes and endorses the arrangements proposed by the Head of Human Resources Strategy to enable the children of Members and of their staff to participate in the summer holiday playscheme 2001; and agrees that the arrangements be notified to Members, their staff and to staff of the House at the earliest opportunity.—(Caroline Flint.)


Resolved, That the Committee endorses the proposal by the Serjeant at Arms that, on a trial basis, Members' bookings of all Committee Rooms, conference (with the exception of the Jubilee Room), meeting and interview rooms and of the Macmillan Room from 5 pm onwards, may be made four months ahead as follows:

Spring      From 1 January to 30 April (bookable from 1 September)
Summer   From 1 May to 31 August (bookable from 1 January)
Autumn   From 31 August to 31 December (bookable from 1 May).—(The Chairman.)


Resolved, That the Committee notes and endorses the Serjeant at Arms' draft "Dissolution Arrangements" notice.—(The Chairman.)


Resolved, That the Committee agrees that, for the purposes of illustrating Education Unit publications, photographs may be taken after the General Election of the new House in session; and, noting earlier precedents for such a photograph, agrees also that members of the Press Gallery may be in their places for the taking of their photograph.—(Mr Stephen Day.)


Resolved, That the Committee notes the proposal by the Leader of the House for an exhibition of bronze sculptures to be held in the courtyard of Portcullis House and subsequently in the Upper Waiting Hall.—(The Chairman.)

Resolved, That, noting an exhibition in the Portcullis House courtyard would set the precedent for any future exhibitions held there, the Committee agrees that the matter be referred to the Advisory Committee on Works of Art for its consideration.—(The Chairman.)

Resolved, That the Committee, noting the exhibition would be of work by a single artist and that it would consist of pieces neither commissioned by, nor purchased by or on behalf of, the Advisory Committee on Works of Art, agrees that the said exhibition should not be exempted from the ballot of applications for proposed exhibitions to be held in the Upper Waiting Hall.—(The Chairman.)


Dr Palmer declared an interest as a Trustee of the Members' Pension Scheme and of the Members' Fund.

Resolved, That the Committee notes the submissions received from Mr Joe Ashton and from Sir Peter Emery concerning the possible setting up of a group to provide advice and assistance to former Members of the House; agrees that an appropriate vehicle for providing such assistance could be by the establishment of an Associate Parliamentary Group; but agrees further that, should former Members prefer to set up a group which does not include sitting Members within its membership, then the Committee would have no objection in principle, and would recommend to Mr Speaker that such a group might be permitted the use of a conference or a meeting room on certain occasions, for example, in order to hold the group's AGM.—(The Chairman.)

Resolved, That the Committee agrees that, as it would be of assistance to know how many former Members would wish to belong to such a group and what House facilities they might wish to make use of, Mr Joe Ashton and the other Members referred to in his submission might undertake a survey of former Members in order to ascertain this information; and notes that, should the facilities required not be part of the Committee's responsibilities, then such a request be referred to the relevant Domestic Committee.—(The Chairman.)

Resolved, That, whilst considering the most appropriate method of providing the necessary finance for such a group would be on a self-funding basis, the Committee acknowledges that it has no remit to recommend whether, or not, the Members' Vote, the Members' Pension Scheme or the Members' Fund might be used to provide funds for a group for former Members.—(Mr David Crausby.)


Resolved, That the Committee notes the proposal by Dr Palmer for changes in the rules concerning the use of pre-paid envelopes.—(The Chairman.)

Ordered, That, at a meeting early in the new Parliament, the Serjeant at Arms do refer Dr Palmer's proposal to the Committee's successor for its consideration.—(The Chairman.)

[The Committee adjourned.

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Prepared: 5 June 2001