Select Committee on Select Committee on the Adoption and Children Bill Appendices to the Minutes of Evidence


Letter from J Thomas

  I am neither a Social Work professional nor an immediate birth relative but have had the opportunity to observe the profound consequences of adoptions in both in my job at a voluntary adoption agency and first hand in my immediate family. I am astounded that the Adoption and Children Bill in its current format is only seeking to improve services for the approximately 2,500 children per year for whom adoption is now considered the best option. In 1968 alone there were 25,000 adoptions and in the period 1940-75 there were a minimum of 2 million immediate birth family members whose lives have been directly affected by adoption. To only address the future and ignore the opportunity to make amends to so many people for the mistaken policies of the past is to provide a Bill of extremely limited scope.

  Research has led to the now widely held belief that these adoptions completely ignored fundamental human needs of both the children and birth parents (and other birth relatives). These lifelong needs are only being addressed very inadequately by the current regulations and services.

  Please listen to all those organisations and individuals who represent the needs of these groups. Provision of a comprehensive post adoption service, to assist in seeking information and exploring possibilities of contact, should be made a statutory duty for all local authorities and adoption agencies.

April 2001

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