Select Committee on Armed Forces First Special Report

The House agreed to commit the Armed Forces Bill to a Select Committee on 9 January 2001 and ordered the Committee to report on or before Thursday 15 March.

The following were appointed members of the Committee on 9 January 2001:

      Mr David Clelland MP (Labour, Tyne Bridge)
      Mr David Crausby MP (Labour, Bolton North East)
      Mr Quentin Davies MP (Conservative, Grantham and Stamford)
      Mr Paul Keetch MP (Liberal Democrat, Hereford)
      Mr Robert Key MP (Conservative, Salisbury)
      Dr Lewis Moonie MP (Labour/Co-op, Kirkcaldy)
      Mr John Randall MP (Conservative, Uxbridge)
      Mr John Spellar MP (Labour, Warley)
      Rachel Squire MP (Labour, Dunfermline West)
      Ms Dari Taylor MP (Labour, Stockton South)
      Mr David Watts MP (Labour, St Helens North)

On 16 January, the Committee elected Rachel Squire as its Chairman.

The Motion appointing the Committee set the quorum as three and gave the Committee the power to meet away from Westminster, and to appoint a specialist adviser.

The Committee was given the power to require the submission of written evidence and to examine witnesses. This evidence is published in Volume II of the Special Report. In the footnotes to this Special Report, references to oral evidence are indicated by 'Q' followed by the question number; references to written evidence are indicated by the Appendix number, followed by 'Ev' and a page number.

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Prepared 15 March 2001