Members present:
Mr Dennis Turner, in the Chair
Mrs Janet Dean
Mr Bob Russell
| Mr Gerry Steinberg |
The Committee deliberated.
1. Portcullis House
Resolved, That smoking be no longer permitted in the "Adjournment" brasserie.(Mr Bob Russell.)
Resolved, That the "Debate" do become a "self-clear" cafeteria.(The Chairman.)
Resolved, That the regulations for access to Refreshment Department outlets in Portcullis House be reviewed after Easter.(The Chairman.)
2. Refreshment Department staff
Resolved, That all Refreshment Department staff be congratulated on their efforts during the year.(The Chairman.)
3. Access to cafeterias
The Committee further deliberated.
Resolved, That holders of passes in categories 17, 17A to C, 18, 25, 26, 27, 28, 28A to F, 29A and B, 31A, 34, 36 and 36A do in future have access at all times to Bellamy's Cafeteria and the Portcullis Cafeteria at 7 Millbank, and on Mondays and Fridays to Bellamy's Clubroom.(The Chairman.)
4. Refreshment Department services at weekend functions
Resolved, That, in the light of the exchange of correspondence between the Chairman of the International Development Committee, the Serjeant at Arms and the Chairman of the Administration Committee (CTR 91), concerning the possibility that the Palace of Westminster might host a World Bank/Parliamentarians Conference on Sunday 28 and Monday 29 January 2001, the Chairman may use his good offices to try to secure the services of the requisite number of Refreshment Department staff.(Mr Bob Russell.)
5. Private Dining Rooms: terms and conditions of use
Resolved, That the terms and conditions for use of the House of Commons private dining rooms be amended as follows:
[No change to paragraphs 1.1, 1.2 and 2.1. Paragraph 2.2 amended, as follows:]
2.2 No sponsor may hold more than 6 bookings at any time.
[No change to paragraphs 2.3 to 2.5. New paragraphs 2.6 and 2.7 inserted:]
2.6 The Sponsor is responsible for ensuring that the Private Dining Confirmation Form is completed and signed.
2.7 The Sponsor may delegate the responsibility of co-ordinating a function to an Organiser, in which case a Sponsorship Agreement Form must be completed and signed. These are available from the banqueting office.
[No change to paragraphs 3.1 to 3.3 and 4.1 to 4.4. New paragraph 5.1 to replace former paragraph 5.1:]
5.1 Subject to the exclusions in 5.2, the private dining rooms are not to be used for direct financial or material gain by a Sponsor, political party, or any other person or outside organisation.
[New paragraphs 5.2 and 5.3 inserted:]
5.2 Use of the private dining rooms for direct financial or material gain by all-party Parliamentary groups or by registered charities is acceptable.
5.3 The private dining rooms may not be used as an inducement to recruit new members of outside organisations or non-parliamentary organisations.
[No change to former paragraph 5.2 (now paragraph 5.4). New paragraph 5.5 inserted:]
5.5 Subject to the rules on declaration of interest and 5.1 above, it is appropriate for the private dining rooms to be used for political functions or for "lobbying purposes".
[Former paragraph 5.3 to be deleted. No change to former paragraphs 5.4 and 5.5 (now paragraphs 5.6 and 5.7). Paragraph 5.6 (now paragraph 5.8) amended as follows:]
5.8 No betting or gaming may be carried out on the premises.
[No change to paragraphs 5.7 (now paragraph 5.9), 6.1 to 6.5, 7.1 and 7.2, 8.1 and 8.2, 9.1 and 9.2, 10.1 and 10.2. Paragraph 10.3 amended, as follows:]
10.3 Where catering is less than the required minimum food spend and the minimum required number of guests per room, the advertised Room Hire charge will be levied.
[No change to paragraphs 10.4 to 10.7. Paragraph 10.8 amended, as follows:]
10.8 Prior to departure at the end of their function, Organisers and Sponsors are advised to agree and sign for all drinks consumed. The Refreshment Department cannot be held responsible for a discrepancy in charges after the event.
[No change to paragraphs 10.9 to 10.12, 11.1 to 11.5 and 12.1 to 12.6](The Chairman.)
[Adjourned till Wednesday 14 February 2001 at half-past Nine o'clock.
Members present:
Mr Dennis Turner, in the Chair
Mr Gerald Bermingham
Mrs Janet Dean
Mr Michael Fabricant
Mr Lindsay Hoyle
| Miss Julie Kirkbride
Mr Bob Russell
Mr Gerry Steinberg |
The Committee deliberated.
1. Portcullis House
Resolved, That the Committee's resolution of 13 December with regard to the "Debate" cafeteria be rescinded and that, henceforth, Refreshment Department staff should clear trays and crockery in the "Debate" cafeteria.(Mr Lindsay Hoyle.)
Resolved, That the Committee supports the proposal to move the "Despatch Box" coffee station from the courtyard to the area currently reserved for cash machines, and that seating provision for users of the coffee station be reviewed.(Mr Michael Fabricant.)
2. Refreshment Department services at weekend functions
The Committee further deliberated.
Ordered, That the Director of Catering Services do furnish the Committee with a full breakdown of the quotations supplied to the World Bank for catering services at the proposed functions on Sunday 28 January.(The Chairman.)
Ordered, That the Director of Catering Services keep under review the possibility of equipping the Refreshment Department to service private functions on Sundays at more competitive prices, and that the relevant trades unions be consulted.(The Chairman.)
Resolved, That consideration be given to improving the level of provision of refreshment facilities for staff of the House who work at the Palace of Westminster at weekends.(Mrs Janet Dean.)
3. Private dining rooms: terms and conditions of use
The Committee further deliberated.
Ordered, That details of discounts available on the cost of banqueting services for private functions be more widely publicised within the House, but not before those details had been considered by the Committee.(The Chairman.)
4. Sale of House of Commons whisky
Resolved, That miniature bottles of House of Commons whisky be made available for purchase through the home delivery service, and that the bottle labels be re-designed.(The Chairman.)
The Committee further deliberated.
Ordered, That the Director of Catering Services do furnish the Committee with a paper setting out the cost and gross profit margins on House of Commons whisky.(The Chairman.)
5. Terrace Cafeteria
Resolved, That peas should be on the menu every day in the Terrace Cafeteria.(Mr Bob Russell.)
6. Westminster Hall: facilities for visitors
Resolved, That the Committee agrees with the proposal by the Chair of the Group on Information for the Public that the proposed visitor facility in Westminster Hall be named the Westminster Hall Visitor Cafeteria.(The Chairman.)
Resolved, That a largely cold food menu should be provided in the Visitor Cafeteria.(Mr Gerald Bermingham.)
Resolved, That the Visitor Cafeteria site need not be used to provide a dining facility in the evenings either for staff of the House or for functions.(The Chairman.)
7. Facilities for former Members
Resolved, That the Committee supports the proposal by the Rt Hon Tony Benn MP that ex-Members who had served in the House over a period of fifty years or more and who did not become Peers could continue to have access to the Tea Room.(The Chairman.)
Ordered, That the Chairman do write to the Speaker to inform him of the Committee's opinion.(Mr Michael Fabricant.)
8. Facilities for retired staff of Members
Resolved, That, having considered a letter from a long-serving Member's secretary to the Serjeant at Arms (CTR 96), the Committee supports her request that long-serving secretaries might after they had retired be granted access to House of Commons restaurant facilities on Fridays.(The Chairman.)
Ordered, That the Chairman do communicate the Committee's opinion to the Serjeant at Arms.(Mr Michael Fabricant.)
9. House of Commons cigarettes
Resolved, That the Committee takes note that the supplier of House of Commons own-label cigarettes intends to cease supply, and agrees that no new supplier should be sought.(Mr Bob Russell.)
10. "Divine" Fairtrade chocolate
Resolved, That "Divine" Fairtrade chocolate be sold on a trial basis in the House.(The Chairman.)
11. Refreshment Department staff Christmas party
Resolved, That the Committee recommends that entry to the Christmas party for Refreshment Department staff should be free of charge for staff.(The Chairman.)
12. Cava
Resolved, That cava be made available on the Members' wine list.(Mr Lindsay Hoyle.)
The Committee further deliberated.
[Adjourned till Wednesday 14 March 2001 at half-past Nine o'clock.
Members present:
Mr Dennis Turner, in the Chair
Mrs Janet Dean
Mr Michael Fabricant
| Mr Bob Russell |
The Committee deliberated.
1. Refreshment Department services at weekend functions
Resolved, That, as there are currently few requests for Sunday functions, it is unrealistic to draw up new agreements on staff pay and conditions simply to reduce staff costs on Sundays; but that the Banqueting Office should make the Director of Catering Services aware of all requests for Sunday functions so that she could monitor the position.(Mrs Janet Dean.)
Resolved, That anyone expressing interest in engaging the services of the Refreshment Department for a function on the Parliamentary Estate on a Sunday should be warned at the time of enquiry that the costs of doing so would be high.(Mr Michael Fabricant.)
2. Refreshment Department Trading Forecast
Resolved, That the Committee takes note of the Refreshment Department Trading Forecast and endorses the price increases and gross profit targets proposed by the Director of Catering Services.(The Chairman.)
3. Members Dining Room
Resolved, That Members' opinions on the Members Dining Room should be surveyed after the General Election, or sooner if the Election were not to be held in the spring.(The Chairman.)
4. Private dining rooms: terms and conditions of use
Resolved, That details of the banqueting discounts should be circulated to all Members after the next General Election and that Members should at the same time be advised that, in the event of an investigation into a complaint that a Member had abused the discount facility, Banqueting Office staff might be required to give evidence to that investigation.(The Chairman.)
5. Sale of House of Commons whisky (CTR 101)
Resolved, That the Committee takes note of a paper by the Director of Catering Services on the sale of House of Commons whisky.(The Chairman.)
6. Soup
Resolved, That the soups served in the Tearoom and in the Terrace Cafeteria are of high quality and should be served up until the Rise of the House.(Mr Michael Fabricant.)
7. Customer Survey
Resolved, That the Committee takes note of a paper (CTR 102) by the Catering Operations Manager on the customer survey carried out by the Refreshment Department in Autumn 2000.(The Chairman.)
[Adjourned to a day and time to be fixed by the Chairman.