The Culture, Media and Sport Committee
has agreed to the following Report:
The communications revolution
1. In May 1998 this Committee published a Report
entitled The Multi-Media Revolution.[6]
We argued that the convergence of television and computer technologies
would have a dramatic impact on the British communications landscape.
We considered that the potential for beneficial effects was being
held back by the complacency of broadcasters, the confusing array
of regulators and the lack of clarity of public policy. We proposed
a new approach to public policy based on the following five priorities:
"· to promote the development of technologies,
including the Internet, which have almost immeasurable potential
to drive forward economic progress, social development and the
effective delivery of public services to meet the needs of the
· to promote a competitive British
sector in the new media market, coupled with open access to delivery
· to support a strong and diverse
British broadcasting production base, for both traditional and
new media, including an enduring role for public service broadcasting;
· to provide, insofar as it will
continue to be possible, a regulatory framework for broadcast
content geared to methods of access and sensitive to changing
competitive pressures, not least the growth of the Internet (subject
to self-regulation) as a broadcast medium;
· to ensure a translation of
the principle of universal access into the digital era with the
objective of creating a universal broadband infrastructure".[7]
We advocated early legislation to establish a unified
regulator for broadcasting, telecommunications and the communications
2. In July 1998 the Government issued a Communications
Green Paper that was sceptical about the speed with which new
technologies would affect broadcasting. The Government then favoured
an "evolutionary approach", believing that the existing
regulatory framework "has sufficient flexibility to meet
our aims for some time to come".[9]
A year later the Government remained committed to its "rejection
of a big bang approach to reforming communications regulation".[10]
3. On 12 December 2000 the Government published its
Communications White Paper entitled A New Future for Communications.[11]
This states that the Government has concluded that closer co-operation
of existing regulators would be "a second-best response".[12]
The Government now acknowledges that more radical measures are
needed; the centrepiece of the White Paper is a proposal for a
new single regulator, an Office of Communications (OFCOM). As
the two Secretaries of State responsible for the White Paper note
in its Foreword, there can now be no doubt that "the communications
revolution has arrived".[13]
The conduct of our inquiry
4. In view of the prolonged gestation period of the
White Paper and the consultation processes that preceded it, the
Government decided to impose a tight timetable on further consultation,
requiring submissions by 12 February 2001.[14]
Since we wished to report to the House as soon as possible thereafter,
our own inquiry was necessarily compressed. We took oral evidence
from 25 organisations at six sessions between 25 January and 14
February, including current regulatory bodies,10[15]
communications companies and organisations,11[16]
and the National Consumer Council. We concluded with evidence
from the Rt Hon Chris Smith MP, Secretary of State for Culture,
Media and Sport, and Ms Patricia Hewitt MP, Minister for Small
Business and E-Commerce in the Department of Trade and Industry.
We received additional written evidence from a range of individuals
and organisations, some of which is published with this Report
and the remainder of which has been reported to the House and
is available for inspection by Members of the House of Commons
in the Library of the House and by members of the public in the
House of Lords Record Office.12[17]
We are most grateful to all those who assisted the Committee in
the course of its inquiry.
6 Fourth
Report from the Culture, Media and Sport Committee, The Multi-Media
Revolution, HC (1997-98) 520-I. Back
7 Ibid,
para 141. Back
8 Ibid,
paras 147, 158. Back
9 Regulating
communications: approaching convergence in the Information Age,
Cm 4022, July 1998, pp 5, 6. Back
10 HC Deb,
17 June 1999, col 219W. Back
11 Cm 5010,
December 2000. Back
12 Ibid,
para 1.3.6. Back
13 Ibid,
p 3. Back
14 Ibid,
para 9.3.2. Back
15 0The
Radio Authority and the Independent Television Commission (ITC). Back
16 British
Telecommunications plc (BT), News International, ntl, Video Networks
Limited, the Broadcasting, Entertainment, Cinematograph and Theatre
Union (BECTU), the British Internet Publishers' Alliance , ONdigital,
Emap Performance, GWR Group plc, the Community Media Association,
Radio Regen, BSkyB, ITV Network Limited, Granada plc, Carlton
Communications plc, Channel 4, the British Broadcasting Corporation
(BBC), Daily Mail and General Trust plc, AOL UK and SMG plc. Back
17 For
details of how these papers can be inspected, see p liii. Back