Select Committee on Culture, Media and Sport Appendices to the Minutes of Evidence


Memorandum submitted by the Mayor of London

  With reference to your letter of 1 March to Graham Hitchen, I am pleased to be able to provide the following information:


  The decision to host the 2005 World Athletics Championships at a new Stadium at Picketts Lock was made before the GLA was established. The GLA has been a member of the "Lee Valley Forum" since it was set up, represented by Deputy Mayor, Nicky Gavron, and by the Acting Head of Culture, Graham Hitchen. The London Development Agency and Transport for London are also both represented on the Forum, and both have been conducting work to establish the viability of a Stadium at the proposed site, and of investment in other forms of infrastructure.

  The GLA continues to have significant concerns regarding, among other things, the funding shortfall for the Stadium development.

  Regarding the hosting of the Games, I have recently written to UK Athletics, stating that I am unable to be a signatory to the proposed contract with the IAAF, on account of the level of liability the GLA would be expected to take on.


  The GLA's Business Plan for 2001-02 sets out the GLA's desire to attract world class events to London, and we will be working in partnership with the LDA and with other agencies to promote and sustain London's role as a world class destination for international events.


  A meeting was recently held involving the British Olympic Association, and representatives from the LDA, the Metropolitan Police and others, to discuss the possibility of London being host to an Olympic Games in 2012 or 2016. I made clear at that meeting my commitment to bring an Olympic Games to East London and initial talks are now beginning with the BOA and the Government to consider how and when a bid might be progressed.

March 2001

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