35. The Early Excellence Centre pilot programme provides
clear and pioneering evidence of how models of integrated services
for children and families might be developed across the UK over
time. The high quality of provision in these Centres provides
strong models of good practice in integration which were being
disseminated nationally, and internationally. Early evidence on
the effectiveness of this programme also indicates the cost effectiveness
of this policy strategy.[48]
Dr Margy Whalley, the Director of the Pen Green Research, Training
and Development Centre in Corby, told the Sub-committee that,
for her, improving the quality of Early Years training would be
early years education and care as being about learning in a much
wider sense. It is going to be about learning for little children
and it is recognising that learning begins at birth, it does not
begin at three. It is about learning for the parents and staff
whatever their starting point. It is not a narrow view of education,
it is a very broad view of education, and it is about taking on
board parents as equal and active partners in that from the very
36. Ms Margaret Hodge, the Parliamentary Under Secretary
of State for Employment and Equal Opportunities, told the Sub-committee:
"We are also involved in new ways of delivering services,
trying to get an integrated service across care, education and
health with the Sure Start Programme and the Early Excellence
Programme, and there are some interesting and very positive results
coming out of that work".[50]
37. Dr Gillian Pugh was an enthusiastic advocate
for Early Excellence Centres which
"can provide education
and care from 8.30 am to 5.30 pm all the year round for all the
children .... Not only are children provided for, but there is
education and support too for parents .... Through support from
health authority and social services, families have access to
health visitors, clinical psychologists, speech therapist and
social workers. This surely must be the service of the future.
But to achieve it requires a great deal of 'joined up' working
between local authorities, health authorities and voluntary organisations,
and additional mainstream funding to support the crucial work
with parents".[51]
38. As part of the one-stop shop support offered
by Early Excellence Centres, parents can take courses to increase
their parenting skills, their employability and their self confidence.[52]
The initial evidence from the Early Excellence Centres is that
they can address a range of needs and allow parents to develop
their own abilities.[53]
39. The delivery of integrated early childhood services
in Early Excellence Centres brings considerable benefits in the
form of cost savings from reduced spending on other services:
for example, research suggests that for every £1 invested
on integrated services, £8 is saved on alternative services.
Early intervention for children with special needs leads to greater
likelihood of the child being successfully integrated for compulsory
education in mainstream school, a saving of some £7,000 per
Ms Hodge told the Sub-committee that these findings were very
much in line with American experience.[55]
40. Early intervention is particularly important
for children with special needs. The Royal National Institute
for the Blind pointed that "it is all too easy to overlook
the special needs of small numbers of children".[56]
For example, only two out of a thousand children are likely to
be visually impaired. Thus placements will rarely encounter children
who require specialist intervention and support for their visual
impairment. Mencap argued the case for the integration of education
and therapeutic plans for individual children, especially for
disabled children who receive education and care in more than
one setting.[57]
The National Autistic Society emphasised that the issue of identification
was the primary concern in the Early Years setting, and one that
they shared with the other Special Educational Needs agencies.
They cited pioneering work on dyslexia, for example, which had
illustrated the cost effectiveness of early identification.[58]
Early identification of children with emotional or behavioural
difficulties can also help not only the individual child and their
family to receive the support they need, but can also prevent
adverse consequences for the quality of education for the other
children in the setting. Children who lack adequate parental care
or supervision deserve particular attention, which is more likely
to be provided in an integrated setting which addresses the needs
of the parents as well as the child.
41. Research has also demonstrated the benefits of
providing integrated education and care services for children
alongside family support and adult training, in combatting social
exclusion, child poverty, educational underachievement, welfare
dependency and unemployment.[59]
The challenge of bringing together previously disparately delivered
services was referred to by several witnesses but the benefits
of doing so were viewed as providing an incentive to move service
delivery to a more integrated model nationally.[60]
In their background report on the United Kingdom for the OECD
Thematic Review of Early Childhood Education and Care, Dr Tony
Bertram and Professor Christine Pascal wrote that
"It has become clear
from international government and NGO studies that policies which
aim to integrate and coordinate educational, social and health
initiatives are likely to be more effective and more wide ranging
in their impact, particularly when one ministry is given the leadership,
monitoring and evaluative role. Given this evidence, the Government
is committed to the development of early childhood services which
integrate a range of services, including education, care, health,
adult training and family support. They support the view that
education and care are inseparable and want to develop a more
comprehensive support structure around children and families which
can meet a wide range of needs".[61]
42. We recommend that there should be substantially
increased Government support for, and investment in, integrated
initiatives like Sure Start and Early Excellence Centres.
43. We recommend that the evidence from comprehensive
evaluations of Early Excellence and Sure Start should be used
actively within Government across Departments to support and promote
the further development of integrated policy and practice under
the leadership of one Department.
44. We saw an example in Oxfordshire of an Early
Years Unit which had been developed when funding became available.
It was staffed by a teacher with qualified teacher status and
a Learning Support Assistant. Recording a child's progress is
integral to the Foundation Stage. Ms Anne-Marie Graham, the Head
of Kirklees Early Years Service, doubted that the kind of record-keeping
required could be carried out on a daily basis by a single teacher
with 30 children.[62]
Ms Hodge told the sub-committee she wanted to move to a one to
fifteen ratio in Reception classes.[63]
The required ratio in playgroups is one to eight and one to thirteen
in nursery schools.[64]
Ms Hodge referred to a trial under way with Coram Family of a
ratio of 2 to 26, with one being a qualified teacher.[65]
As Ms Hodge emphasised, the qualifications and the quality of
the individual working with the child are equally important.[66]
We recommend that the adult:child ratio should be no more than
fifteen-to-one in Reception and Year 1.
45. There is a concern that not all teachers in Reception
classes have been adequately trained in the Early Years. There
is a danger that very young children may be receiving inappropriately
formal training because a teacher with qualified teacher status
may not be fully equipped to adopt the different approach required
to deliver best practice in the Foundation Stage. The Teacher
Training Agency is now doing more to ensure that the Early Years
specialism is included as an option for trainee primary school
Thomas notices the six letters in his name whenever he sees them, such as 'h' at the beginning of 'house'.QCA Curriculum Guidance, page 60.
Marcus says that his name begins with the sound 'm', Faraz with 'f' and Tommy with 't'. He shows a visitor the letters that represent these and other sounds.QCA Curriculum Guidance, page 60.
46. The QCA's Curriculum Guidance for the Foundation
Stage includes a table (below) which shows some of the different
settings children attend before and during the foundation stage.
It makes clear the marked variation in the ages at which children
begin pre-school settings and later Reception and Year 1 classes
in primary schools.
47. In the Reception year teachers are encouraged
through the Qualifications and Curriculum Authority's Curriculum
Guidance gradually to introduce more structured learning of
literacy and numeracy skills. There is disagreement as to how
formal this learning should be, with the vast majority of professionals[68]
believing that numeracy and literacy in the foundation stage should
be introduced informally, especially through play, games and informal
48. The Literacy Hour and Mathematics Lesson are
part of the National Literacy Strategy and the National Numeracy
Strategy. At present both recommend that a sustained lesson of
approximately one hour should be in place in Reception classrooms
before the end of the Reception year to ensure a smooth start
to formal teaching in Year 1. Many professionals expressed concern
that overly formal instruction in the Reception class would impede
the learning of young children, especially boys.[69]
There is some evidence that in practice OFSTED inspectors expect
to see whole-class formal teaching in the Reception year.[70]
This expectation influences teachers to adopt a formal approach
to literacy throughout the foundation stage, especially in the
Reception year.[71]
49. Dr Nick Tate, then the Chief Executive of the
Qualifications and Curriculum Authority, explained to the Sub-committee
that because of the various pressures on the Early Years curriculum
it had been difficult to craft a compromise wording in the Curriculum
Guidance on the requirements of the literacy and numeracy
In the final published document, the compromise wording states
that by the end of the Foundation Stage children should be prepared
to move on to the literacy and numeracy hour requirement which
comes in at the beginning of Key Stage 1.[73]
This approach responds to the concerns raised in evidence[74]
that much Reception class provision was too formal. The new approach
gives Reception teachers the professional autonomy to make their
judgement about when and how the literacy and numeracy strategy
should be introduced, according to the needs of the children.
| January
| September | September
| September |
A September-born boy
| |
3.3 years
Joins nursery class
| 3.11 years
In nursery class
| 4.11 years
Joins reception class
| 5.11 years
Joins year 1
An October-born girl with a hearing impairment
| Specialist teacher at home from age six months. From age two attends a local authority family centre two mornings each week
| 3.2 years
Continues to attend family centre two mornings each week
| 3.10 years
Joins nursery school that has special unit
| 4.10 years
Remains in nursery schooljoins reception class with support in summer term
| 5.10 years
Joins year 1
A December-born girl
| Joins nursery centre soon after second birthday
| 3.0 years
Remains in nursery centre
| 3.8 years
In nursery centre
| 4.8 years
Joins reception classmoves to mixed-age (reception and year 1) class in January
| 5.8 years
Remains in reception/year 1 class
A February-born boy with learning difficulties
| Receives Portage home teaching from age one
| 2.10 years
Joins assess-ment unit in special school
| 3.6 years
In special school nursery
| 4.6 years
Joins main-stream reception class
| 5.6 years
Joins year 1
A March-born boy |
Cared for by childminder from age nine months
| 2.9 years
With child-minder plus visits to child-minders' drop-in
| 3.5 years
Remains with child-minder, who is now accredited as education provider, plus two mornings at pre-school
| 4.5 years
Joins reception class plus before- and after-school care with same childminder
| 5.5 years
Joins year 1
A June-born girl |
| 2.6 years
At home and attends parent/ toddler group
| 3.2 years
Joins independent school early years class
| 4.2 years
Remains in school early years class
| 5.2 years
Joins year 1
An August-born boy
| |
2.4 years
At home
| 3.0 years
Joins playgroup
| 4.0 years
Joins reception class
| 5.0 years
Joins year 1
Source: Qualifications and Curriculum Authority, Curriculum
Guidance for the Foundation Stage, 2000, page 7.
50. In her letter to OFSTED of 8 May 2000, Ms Hodge
emphasised that although the full sessions of the literacy hour
and daily mathematics lesson should be established by the end
of the Reception year, it was perfectly acceptable earlier in
the year for the elements of the literacy hour and the daily mathematics
lesson to be delivered flexibly across the day.[75]
In oral evidence to the Sub-committee, OFSTED confirmed that inspectors
would expect to see a flexible approach: "we have reissued
guidance very recently to inspectors to remind them that there
is ¼
flexibility and that they should not therefore expect to see every
aspect of it (the Literacy Hour) covered in that way that is set
out in the QCA and government guidance".[76]
51. There has been considerable concern that the
expansion of Early Years provision will mean children being taught
formally, perhaps in large groups, too early. We recommend
that children below compulsory school age should be taught informally
in ways that are appropriate to their developmental stage and
their interests. We recommend that in Reception and Year 1 classes
there should be fifteen or fewer children for each member of staff
working with the children in the class.
52. Children in the Foundation Stage learn best through
play, experience and conversation. We support the approach
in the Curriculum Guidance issued by the Qualifications
and Curriculum Authority that more structured learning should
be introduced very gradually so that, by the end of the Reception
year, children are learning through more formal, whole class activities
for a small proportion of the day.
53. Teacher training will now have to be looked at
again to prepare teachers properly for the new Foundation Stage.
We recommend that training for the Reception year should be
moved out of Key Stage 1 training and into the training for the
Foundation Stage.
54. We recommend that initial and inservice
training programmes for Early Years practitioners should emphasise
the skills and knowledge necessary to both involve and support
family members. We recommend that the Teacher Training Agency
and the Qualifications and Curriculum Authority should emphasise
in their guidance and the teacher training syllabus the skills
for working with adults as well as those for teaching young children.
48 Tony Bertram and Chris Pascal, Early Excellence
Centres First Findings Autumn 1999, DfEE, 2000. Back
49 Q.
322. Back
50 Q.
434. Back
51 Ev.
p. 4 paras. 19-20. Back
52 Tony
Bertram and Chris Pascal, Early Excellence Centres: First Findings
Autumn 1999, DfEE, 2000, page 2. Back
53 Tony
Bertram and Chris Pascal, Early Excellence Centres: First Findings
Autumn 1999, DfEE, 2000, page 5. Back
54 Tony
Bertram and Chris Pascal, Early Excellence Centres: First Findings
Autumn 1999, DfEE, 2000, page 4. Back
55 Q.
474. Back
56 Appendix
13. Back
57 Appendix
9. Back
58 Appendix
16. Back
59 See,
for example, a brief overview of the results of Head Start in
the USA in POST Report 140, Early Years Learning, Parliamentary
Office for Science and Technology, June 2000, page 10. Back
60 Q.
6, Q. 48, Q. 145, Q. 222, Q. 319, Q. 350, Q. 434. Back
61 Tony
Bertram and Christine Pascal, UK Background Report for OECD
Thematic Review of Early Childhood Education and Care, page
33, para. 3.2.8. The UK Background Report is accessible through
the OECD website http://www.oecd.org/els/ecec Back
62 Q.
255. Back
63 Q.
434. Back
64 Q.
446. Back
65 Q.
448. Back
66 Q.
448. Back
67 Q.
206. Back
68 For
example, NUT, Appendix 10 paras. 41-43; TACTYC, Ev. p. 86 para.
2.3. Back
69 For
example, Early Education, Ev. p. 52 para. 1.9; TACTYC, Ev. p.
89 para. 5.5. Back
70 Q.
154. Back
71 Early
Education Ev. p. 57 para. 5.3. Back
72 Q.
287. Back
73 Q.
287; QCA Curriculum Guidance for the Foundation Stage,
2000, page 27. Back
74 Q.
155, Q. 238, Q. 253, Q. 272. Back
75 Ev.
p. 214. Back
76 Q.
412; Ev. pp. 214-5. Back