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Session 2000-01
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Environment, Transport and Regional Affairs Committee Publications

Environment, Transport and Regional Affairs - Minutes of Evidence [Back to Report]

Here you can browse the Minutes of Evidence which were ordered by the House of Commons to be printed 2 May 2001.


Members present:

Mr Andrew F Bennett, in the Chair
Mr Crispin BluntMiss Anne McIntosh
Mr Tom BrakeMr Bill O'Brien
Mr Jeffrey M DonaldsonMr Bill Olner
Mrs Gwyneth DunwoodyMr George Stevenson
Mrs Louise Ellman


Examination of Witnesses

DR HUGO CROMBIE, Public Health Adviser, Physical Activity, MS LUCY HAMER, Development Adviser, Health Improvement Programmes, Health Development Agency; MR LEN ALMOND, Director, Medical Centre for Physical Activity and Health, British Heart Foundation, MR TERRY ROBINSON, Head of Recreation and Tourism and MR PETER ASHCROFT, Project Manager, Walking the Way to Health Initiative, Countryside Agency, examined.

Question Number

133 - 139

140 - 159

160 - 179

180 - 186

Examination of Witnesses

MR MIKE TAYLOR, Group Leader, Local Planning, Planning Department, MR TREVOR ERRINGTON, Policy Team Leader, Transportation Department, Birmingham City Council; MR PAUL CLARK, Chief Planning Officer, London Borough of Redbridge, MR ALAN TILLY, Senior Planner, Metropolitan Borough of Sandwell and MR ROGER GEFFEN, Transport Planner, Oxfordshire County Council, Planning Officers Society and Local Government Technical Advisers Group, examined.

Question Number

187 - 199

200 - 219

220 - 234

Examination of Witnesses

MR ALLEN TALLENTIRE, Chairman, Association of Town Centre Management, and MR CHRIS BALCH, Director, DTZ PIEDA, examined.

Question Number

235 - 239

240 - 259

260 - 275

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Prepared 29 June 2001