Foreign Affairs - Minutes of Evidence [Back to Report]
Here you can browse the Minutes of Evidence which were ordered by the House of Commons to be printed 20 March 2001.
Members present:
Mr Donald Anderson, in the Chair
Sir Peter Emery | Mr John Maples
Mr Eric Illsley | Mr Ted Rowlands
Mr Andrew Mackinlay | Sir John Stanley
Sir David Madel | Dr Phyllis Starkey
Memorandum submitted by the Foreign and Commonwealth
Office on Yugoslavia
Memorandum submitted by the Foreign and Commonwealth
Office responding to the Committee's questions on Yugoslavia
Memorandum submitted by the Foreign and Commonwealth
Office on the Obligations Towards the International Criminal Tribunal
for the former Yugoslavia
Memorandum submitted by Foreign and Commonwealth Office
on Depleted Uranium
Memorandum by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office on
the situation in the Presevo Valley
Memorandum by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office on
the situation in Mitrovica
Memorandum by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office on
Operation Trojan
Memorandum by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office on
Federal Republic of Yugoslavia: Economy
Annex A
Memorandum by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office on
the Stability Pact for South East Europe
Memorandum by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office on
the clearance of the Danube
Examination of Witnesses
VAZ, a Member of the House, (Minister
of State), MR ALAN
CHARLTON, Director, South Eastern
Europe, and MR JONATHAN
MARSHALL, Head of Section, FRY/Serbia,
Eastern Adriatic Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office,
Question Number
97 - 99
100 - 119
120 - 139
140 - 159
160 - 179
180 - 195
Supplementary memorandum submitted by the Foreign and
Commonwealth Office