Select Committee on Health First Special Report

Tobacco Advertising and the Proposed EEC Directive

SESSION 1997-98
Health Committee Recommendations: Progress

First Report: Tobacco advertising and the proposed EC directive (HC 373) Published: 28/11/97

Government Reply: Cm 3859 Published: 02/98


Government Response and Action

The committee sees no reason to demur from its predecessors' recommendation that "The Government should adopt as its policy the total elimination of tobacco advertising other than at the point of sale"

The Government welcomed this endorsement.

Formula One should be placed under the same pressure as other sports to seek alternative sponsorship.

The Government had to take into account the possibility that a blanket Europe-wide ban on Formula One sponsorship would not only mean fewer Grand Prix in Europe but also, perversely, more tobacco advertising on our TV screens beamed in from events outside the EU from countries with no restrictions on tobacco advertising.

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