The Role of Health Authorities
39. Prior to 1997 NHS general dental services could
only be delivered by GDPs via a national contract with a nationally
negotiated scale of fees. Within this framework health authorities
had a statutory duty to ensure the provision of dental services
for their population.[100]
Their responsibilities included holding GDPs' contracts and managing
the arrangements under which they provided general dental services,
maintaining a list of dentists, overseeing dentists' pay (the
operational responsibility of the Dental Practice Board), and
liaising with the Local Dental Committees (the body representing
dentists' interests in each health authority).[101]
Complementing these arrangements, the NHS (Primary Care) Act 1997
allowed for the voluntary establishment of personal dental service
(PDS) pilot schemes to test alternative ways of delivering dental
services, in particular general dental services, through local
contracting arrangements between health authorities and one or
a group of dental providers. These pilots are currently being
40. Modernising NHS Dentistry now aims to
move dentistry up the NHS agenda, expanding health authorities'
Access to NHS dentistry is now specifically included in the National
Priorities Guidance for 2000-01 to 2002-03, to ensure a new and
long-term prominence in health authority planning and activity.[104]
Every DoH Regional Office has nominated a lead director to assume
responsibility for implementing the dental strategy and health
authorities have been asked to do the same. Modernising NHS
Dentistry describes the new partnerships with providers of
dentistry which the Government expects health authorities to develop.
Specifically, health authorities will be expected to:
- ensure fair access to NHS dentistry, including
work with local dentists to support commitment to the NHS, making
sure that out of hours and emergency coverage is effective, and
negotiating arrangements for referral of unregistered patients
from NHS Direct;
- finance necessary developments in local dental
services from the growth in their general funding;
- work through Health Improvement Programmes, Health
Action Zones, Healthy Living Centres and Sure Start to improve
oral health, especially of children. Health authorities will be
encouraged to instigate schemes aimed at increasing visits to
dentists by children from black and minority ethnic communities;
- ensure effective and efficient delivery of appropriate
Trust-led salaried dental services, either through the Community
Dental Service or Personal Dental Services pilots (including Dental
Access Centres[105],
of which to date there have been two waves [eight projects in
total] tackling the worst local access problems. A third wave
will be up and running by March 2001.[106])
- plan and implement the modernisation of the practices
of significantly committed NHS dentists. Up to £35m has been
made available for 2001-02; and
- provide accurate and up to date information to
NHS Direct on which dentists are accepting NHS patients and to
work with NHS Direct to maintain the accuracy of this information.[107]
41. We were concerned that health authorities might
not have the resources to take on this new role competently. The
health authorities who gave evidence told us they felt that they
were well prepared to deliver the changes expected of them. We
received evidence about the staged development of the 1998 PDS
pilot in Cornwall, the plans to support existing CDS and GDS roles
in Birmingham, and about the positive interactions both authorities
had had with NHS Direct. These health authorities saw Modernising
NHS Dentistry as a first step in improving dental health in
the round, not as an end in itself. They saw the new PDS schemes
complementing the GDS, not competing with it, and were clear about
the need for a mixed economy in which the GDS continued to play
a key role.
42. However, we also heard how some health authorities
are much better prepared than others, and that there was, therefore,
an important need to share good practice.[108]
The levers currently available to health authorities are limited.
The improvements in oral health they are charged to deliver cannot
be achieved without the help of the GDS. Health authorities can
control the development of salaried services within the PDS and
intend to use this to develop local services to address local
needs, working with Primary Care Trusts. But they have little
influence over the GDS, which is a national system based on piece-work
whose fee structure is nationally determined. While the health
authorities who gave evidence are clearly determined to use what
influences they have as imaginatively as possible, we believe
that this lack of leverage is a paradox at the heart of Modernising
NHS Dentistry.
43. The health authorities outlined various actions
needed to take the strategy forward. These reflect the difficulties
they face. They stressed their role in protecting the existing
functions of the CDS, developing the PDS, and exploring links
between Primary Care Trusts and NHS dental services. They also
emphasised the need to work constructively with their local GDS
dentists, and, in the absence of local levers, the need for a
national review of the dental workforce, its distribution and
the current system of remuneration.
44. Modernising NHS Dentistry
aims to bring dentistry into the mainstream of the NHS and reduce
inequalities in oral health. We welcome this and the key role
it gives to health authorities. However we are concerned that
they do not possess the levers they require to meet the objectives
of the strategy. We recommend that, with the help of health authorities,
a study should be undertaken of the levers (formal and informal)
which health authorities are currently able to apply to fulfil
the objectives of Modernising NHS Dentistry. This should
examine the limitations that impede the achievement of these objectives
and, in conjunction with findings from the remuneration and workforce
reviews, advise on how these limitations might be addressed. We
recommend that in all these exercises the profession and the patients
it serves should be fully consulted in a timely fashion. However
we reiterate that such consultation should be a prelude to action
rather than an excuse for inaction, and should follow a strict
timetable for implementation.
45. During this inquiry various concerns have been
voiced to us about the Government's strategy. The BDA considered
that Modernising NHS Dentistry had helped put dentistry
on the agenda and that this, after years of neglect, was in itself
welcome. But they felt that, although the strategy offered opportunities
for both dentists and their patients, it concentrated too much
on short-term solutions for the unregistered patient who does
not attend regularly. The BDA felt that the opportunity to address
the root causes of the problem of accessthe GDS remuneration
system, and the size, composition and distribution of the dental
workforcehad not been grasped.[109]
John Renshaw told us: "it is not really a strategy, it is
more of an action plan to sort out the access problem."[110]
A recent survey of BDA members suggests that the drift out of
NHS dentistry would continue and that the incentives designed
to keep GDPs in the service would have little impact.[111]
The GDPA similarly commented that Modernising NHS Dentistry
merely "tinkers at the edges." They argued that more
complex problems, such as access for exempt patients or access
to advanced conservative treatment within the NHS, were ignored.
In addition the perverse incentives created by the remuneration
system were not addressed. There were also concerns about the
lack of consultation on the strategy.[112]
46. The Government maintain that commitment payments,
the dental care development fund, and health authority grants
for practice improvement will have a positive effect on the motivation
and retention of dentists in the GDS. But we were also told that
these incentive schemes would not benefit all dentists working
in the NHS and were not always perceived as equitable.[113]
The BDA, while welcoming these measures, noted that selective
incentives could have a negative impact on the morale of those
dentists who did not benefit. The overall effect might be to drive
more dentists into the private sector.[114]
47. We also heard concerns that emphasis on Dental
Access Centres might create a two-tier service: a health authority-led
relief-of-pain NHS service and a private GDS, and that they would
prove expensive to run and would face recruitment problems because
the work they provided would not be sufficiently varied to attract
high-quality staff.
48. As we have said this
was a very brief inquiry based on a single oral evidence session,
but we have received extensive written evidence and we are
quite clear that urgent action is required. We consider that dentistry
has never been fully integrated into the NHS and as a result major
health inequalities exist. We believe that the present arrangements
for accessing NHS dentistry are inequitable, uncertain and getting
worse; patients do not know where they stand. Unregistered patients
find it hard to get any form of care. Registered patients can
lose that status without redress and often without knowing they
have done so. Patients do not always get the advanced conservative
treatment they need (crowns, bridges, implants etc) through the
NHS even when they are registered. Certain very vulnerable groups
of patients, such as elderly people and those with dementia, face
particular problems. We agree with the Eastman Hospital, that
"there should be greater clarity and honesty regarding availability
of NHS treatment."[115]
Modernising NHS Dentistry aims to address immediate
problems of access. But these are, as the BDA told us, multi-faceted
long-standing problems to which solutions will not be found overnight.
There are widespread concerns that the proposals in the document
merely provide a quick fix and do not go to the root of the problems.
There are also concerns about current workforce levels and distribution,
about which at present we have little detailed information. We
believe these are serious concerns and that Modernising NHS
Dentistry lacks the weight to alter fundamentally what is
a deteriorating situation. We would suggest that a longer term
strategy for dentistry within the NHS is still badly needed.
69 D19 (not printed). Back
Ev., p.48. Back
Q101. Back
Q109. Back
Q102. Back
Ev., p.33. Back
Cm 4998, para 7.7. Back
BDA Press Release 23/02/2001 Back
Review Body on Doctors' and Dentists' Remuneration, Review for
2001: Written Evidence from the Health Departments for Great Britain,
Sept 2000. Back
Cm 4998. Back
Review Body on Doctors' and Dentists' Remuneration, Review for
2001: Written Evidence from the Health Departments for Great Britain,
Sept 2000. Table 2, p26. Back
Ibid. Back
Ibid, para 17. Back
Source: General Dental Council. Back
Ev., p.58. Back
Ev., p.59. Back
Cm 4998. Back
QQ12,13. Back
D30, 27 (not printed). Back
Modernising NHS Dentistry,
paras 4.41-4.46. Back
Third Report from the Health Committee, Session 1998-99, Future
NHS Staffing Requirements, HC38-II, p264. Back
Q63. Back
Q100. Back
Q100. Back
Dentists cannot be included on a Health Authority list (and therefore
practise in the GDS) without a "vocational training number".
This is granted by the DVTA to dentists who complete vocational
training or have experience equivalent to such training. Back
Ev., p.59. Back
D19 (not printed). Back
D29 (not printed). Back
Q73. Back
Q61. Back
Ev., p.34. Back
NHS Act 1977 c49, section 35. Back
HC (1992-93) 264, para 52. Back
Preliminary Report to the DoH by the National PDS Evaluation Team,
Health Service Management Centre, University of Birmingham, 1999. Back
Modernising NHS Dentistry, para 3.35. Back
Modernising NHS Dentistry, para 6.2. Back
The centres aim to provide a complete range of services, including
routine as well as urgent care, for non-registered patients.
They are staffed by salaried dentists and professions complementary
to dentistry. Back
Modernising NHS Dentistry, para 3.17. Back
Modernising NHS Dentistry, para 6.3. Back
Q124. Back
Ev., p.6; and Cm 4998, para 7.4. Back
Q31. Back
BDA News, Jan 2001. Back
Cm 4998, para 7.4 Back
Ev., p.50. Back
Cm 4998, para 7.14. Back
Ev., p.63. Back