Select Committee on Health Second Report


Session 1997-98

First Report: Tobacco Advertising and the Proposed EC Directive (HC 373) [Cm 3859]

Second Report: Children Looked After by Local Authorities (HC 319) [Cm 4175]

Third Report: The Welfare of Former British Child Migrants (HC 755) [Cm 4182]

Session 1998-99

First Report: The Relationship between Health and Social Services (HC 74) [Cm 4320]

Second Report: Primary Care Groups (HC 153) [Cm 4468]

Third Report: Future NHS Staffing Requirements (HC 38) [Cm 4379]

Fourth Report: The Long Term Care of the Elderly (HC 318) [Cm 4414]

Fifth Report: Regulation of Private and Other Independent Healthcare (HC 281) [Cm 4540]

Sixth Report: Procedures related to Adverse Clinical Incidents and Outcomes in Medical Care (HC 549) [Cm 4698]

Session 1999-2000

First Report: The Cost and Availability of Generic Drugs to the NHS (HC 105) [Cm 4673]

Second Report: The Tobacco Industry and the Health Risks of Smoking (HC 27) [Cm 4905]

Third Report: Consultants' Contracts (HC 586) [Cm 4930]

Fourth Report: Provision of NHS Mental Health Services (HC 373) [Cm 4888]

Session 2000-01

First Special Report: The Committee's Work, Sessions 1997-98 to 1999-2000 (HC 152)

First Report: Access to NHS Dentistry (HC 247)

Note: [Cm ..] indicates the paper number of the Government Response

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