Here you can browse the Appendices to the Minutes of Evidence which were ordered by the House of Commons to be printed 19 March 2001.
APPENDIX 1 - Memorandum by Central Southampton Primary Care Group (PH 2)
APPENDIX 2 - Memorandum by the Infection Control Nurses Association (PH 4)
APPENDIX 3 - Memorandum by Avon NHS Health Authority (PH 5)
Annex 1
Annex 2
Annex 3
Annex 4
APPENDIX 4 - Memorandum by The British Fluoridation Society (PH 6)
APPENDIX 5 - Memorandum by Oxfordshire NHS Health Authority (PH 8)
APPENDIX 6 - Memorandum by Nottingham Health Authority (PH 11)
APPENDIX 7 - Memorandum by Public Health Directorate Bradford Health Authority (PH 12)
APPENDIX 8 - Memorandum by Manchester Health Authority (PH 13)
APPENDIX 9 - Memorandum by the Royal Institute of Public Health and Hygiene and the Society of Public Health (PH 15)
APPENDIX 10 - Memorandum by Proprietary Association of Great Britain (PH 17)
APPENDIX 11 - Memorandum by Gateshead Metropolitan Borough Council (PH 18)
APPENDIX 12 - Memorandum by Medical Practitioner's Union (PH 22)
APPENDIX 13 - Supplementary memorandum by United Kingdom Public Health Association (PH 23A)
APPENDIX 14 - Further supplementary memorandum by the United Kingdom Public Health Association (PH 23B)
APPENDIX 15 - Memorandum by the Chartered Institute of Environmental Health (PH 27)
Appendix II
Appendix I
APPENDIX 16 - Memorandum by the British Dental Association (PH 28)
APPENDIX 17 - Memorandum by The Royal College of Midwives (PH 30)
APPENDIX 18 - Memorandum by The Malnutrition Advisory Group (PH 33)
APPENDIX 19 - Memorandum by the National Health Service Consultants' Association (PH 38)
APPENDIX 20 - Memorandum by the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (PH 39)
APPENDIX 21 - Memorandum by the National Alliance for Equity in Dental Health (PH 40)
APPENDIX 22 - Memorandum by The Public Health Laboratory Service (PH 41)
Attachment 1
Attachment 2
Attachment 3
Attachment 4
Attachment 5
Attachment 6
Attachment 7
Attachment 8
Attachment 9
Attachment 10
Attachment 11
APPENDIX 23 - Memorandum by East Sussex, Brighton and Hove Health Authority (PH 42)
APPENDIX 24 - Memorandum by the Democratic Health Network Local Government Information Unit (PH 45)
APPENDIX 25 - Memorandum by Dr Andrew Richards
APPENDIX 26 - Memorandum by Brent and Harrow Health Authority (PH 49)
APPENDIX 27 - Memorandum by The London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (PH 51)
APPENDIX 28 - Memorandum by East London and The City Health Authority (PH 54)
APPENDIX 29 - Memorandum by the Society of Health Education and Health Promotion Specialists (PH 55)
APPENDIX 30 - Letter from Andy Murdock, Director of Pharmacy, Lloydspharmacy (PH 58)
APPENDIX 31 - Letter from the Secretary of The Nuffield Trust to the Clerk of the Committee (PH 59)
APPENDIX 32 - Memorandum by Mr Graham Readfearn (PH 63)
APPENDIX 33 - Memorandum by the King's Fund (PH 67)
APPENDIX 34 - Memorandum by The Big Issue in the North Trust (PH 68)
APPENDIX 35 - Joint Memorandum by Dr Naomi Fulop and Julian Elston, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (PH 69)
APPENDIX 36 - Memorandum by Dr Tony Jewell (PH 70)
APPENDIX 37 - Memorandum by National Heart Forum (PH 71)
APPENDIX 38 - Memorandum by Professor Michael Lennon (PH 79)
APPENDIX 39 - Memorandum by County Durham and Darlington Health Authority (PH 80)
APPENDIX 40 - Memorandum by Health Promotion England (PH 82A)
APPENDIX 41 - Joint supplementary memorandum by The Faculty of Public Health Medicine and The Association of Directors of Public Health (PH 52B)
APPENDIX 42 - The Central Council of Physical Recreation (PH 85)
APPENDIX 43 - Joint memorandum by the Department of Health and the Department for Education and Employment (PH 87)
APPENDIX 44 - Letter from the Policy Adviser, Royal College of Nursing, to the Clerk of the Committee (PH 14A)
APPENDIX 45 - Letter from Dr Graham Archard, Royal College of General Practitioners, to the Clerk of the Committee (PH 17A)
APPENDIX 46 - Joint supplementary memorandum by The Faculty of Public Health Medicine and The Association of Directors of Public Health (PH 52C)
APPENDIX 47 - Memorandum by Health First (PH 7)
APPENDIX 48 - Memorandum by the Royal College of Psychiatrists (PH 34)
APPENDIX 49 - Evidence submitted by fpa (formerly the Family Planning Association) (PH 92)
APPENDIX 50 - Letter from the Co Chairs, Southwark Health Alliance (PH 20)
APPENDIX 51 - Letter from the Co Chairs, Southwark Health Alliance, to the Clerk of the Committee (PH 20A)
APPENDIX 52 - Joint memorandum by The Department of Health and The Department for Education and Employment (PH 87)
APPENDIX 53 - Memorandum by Manchester, Salford and Trafford HAZ (PH 49)
APPENDIX 54 - Letter from Dr Peter Donnelly, President UK Association of Directors of Public Health, to the Clerk of the Committee (PH 64A)
APPENDIX 55 - Letter from the Policy Research Officer, Central Council of Physical Education, to the Chairman of the Committee (PH 85A)
Annex - The Central Council of Physical Recreation
APPENDIX 56 - Memorandum by the Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions (PH 93)
APPENDIX 57 - Memorandum by the Social Exclusion Unit (PH 94)
APPENDIX 58 - Letter from the Assistant Chief Services Officer (Health), Kerrier District Council to the Clerk of the Committee (PH 95)
APPENDIX 59 - Supplementary memorandum by The NHS Alliance (PH 81A)
APPENDIX 60 - Memorandum by Professor Patrick Pietroni (PH 97)