Select Committee on Health Appendices to the Minutes of Evidence

Annex 3


  POST:  PCT Public Health Lead

  GRADE:  To be determined

  ACCOUNTABLE TO:  PCT Chief Executive



  To co-ordinate and lead the PCTs public health programme, including the development and implementation of health improvement programmes, health needs assessment, support to PCT decision making and co-ordinating the work programme of the PCTs multi-disciplinary public health team.


  1.  To provide appropriate and strategic public health advice to the PCT Board.

  2.  To co-ordinate and lead the PCTs public health programme.

  3.  To co-ordinate the work of the PCTs multi-disciplinary public health team, including the work of outposted public health, health promotion and information specialists.

  4.  To co-ordinate and monitor the delivery of national, regional and Avon-wide public health strategies and programmes in the PCT area, including support to the Health Improvement Programme.

  5.  To contribute to joint public health partnership building with communities, local authorities and voluntary sector partners.

  6.  To work as part of the wider network of public health specialists and practitioners in Avon.

  7.  To co-ordinate the assessment of health and health care needs for defined communities, localities and patient groups within the population.

  8.  To lead the development of appropriate strategies for meeting the population's health needs.

  9.  To lead the development of a Public Health Development Plan for the PCT, including public health education and training/continuing professional development strategies for practitioners in the PCT area.

  10.  To contribute to the training of public health specialists in the PCT and Avon areas.


  Public health professionals who are medically qualified will hold MFPHM and be on the GMC specialist register. Non-medical professionals should hold a postgraduate public health qualification and have appropriate public health/senior management expertise.


  Ensuring provision of appropriate and strategic public health advice to the PCT Board.

  Knowledge of factors affecting health and disease.

  Health needs and inequalities assessment with a range of methodologies.

  Availability, use and interpretation of clinical and health information.

  Critical appraisal and use of the evidence base to secure effective health care and public health programmes.

  Assessment of quality and effectiveness of health care services.

  Understanding of primary and secondary health care services.

  Health promotion and community involvement approaches.

  Lead the development of public health capacity and skills within the PCT.

  Ensure access to public health knowledge and skills outside the PCT to support its work.

  Ability to work across boundaries, to work at a strategic level, to support the involvement of hospital clinicians, to contribute to prioritisation and management experience.

3   From HSC 1999/246 Primary Care Groups: Taking the Next StepsBack

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