Annex 2
Agenda Item No
Report to: Health Services Review Panel.
Committee Date: 24 February 1999.
Reporting Officer: Environmental Health
Services Manager.
Subject: Public Health Audit.
Synopsis: To review the Council's contribution
to public health both through general council activities and also
in respect of its work through the health regeneration team.
1.1 The Council's mission statement provides
a commitment to work with the community to improve the quality
of life.
1.2 There are many factors which contribute
to the quality of life, but these will include good health, and
access to services and facilities which maintain that health.
1.3 The World Health Organisation definition
of health is "a state of complete physical, mental and social
well being, not merely the absence of disease or infirmity".
1.4 It is apparent therefore that the majority
of services which the Council provide, either on its own, or in
partnership with other organisations, contribute in some way to
the health of the community and thus to maintaining and improving
the quality of life of that community.
2.1 A report was presented to the Health
Services Review Panel in September outlining the Council's contribution
to public health issues together with a brief "audit"
sheet of relevant services.
2.2 The Panel resolved that a full audit
of the Council's present public health services and its role as
a facilitator and promoter of community health should be undertaken.
2.3 The audit will enable the co-ordination
and consolidation of all services and programmes which contribute
to the public health agenda in order to draw up an action plan
for future work.
3.1 All Departmental Managers have been
approached to indicate which areas of their department's work
have public health significance.
3.2 The audit sheets have been drawn up
by department listing, but in many cases, and in particular with
project work, a number of departments can jointly contribute to
the specific outcomes.
3.3 Appendix I is the comprehensive audit
and where possible potential health outcomes have been included.
3.4 Appendix II is a summary of the Council's
wider, multi-agency and community involvement in public health
issues over the past year.
4.1 Gravesham Council is committed to working
with its community to improve the quality of life.
4.2 The Council through its traditional
services as well as the more recent initiatives of Agenda 21,
Community Safety and Health Regeneration is providing services
which will make a positive contribution to improving health and
quality of life.
4.3 The Council is committed to multi-agency
work to achieve its aims.
4.4 The Council is committed to community
consultation and involvement and seeks to involve the community
in drawing up programmes for health improvement.
5.1 That the Panel notes the report and
request the Environmental Health Services Manager to draw up an
action plan for future work by the Council in respect of Health