Select Committee on Health Appendices to the Minutes of Evidence


Memorandum by Miss C Stevenson (H22)

  I am one of the clients who is currently attending Rehab UK (G M B I V C) Greater Manchester Brain Injury Vocational Centre. This has greatly assisted me to acquire different types of work experience placements, (voluntary work experiences) and to assist other volunteers and clients.

  I joined the programme in 1998 when Rehab UK first opened I have a hidden disability which happened at birth in 1974. No one knows for certain how this occurred. Throughout various child assessments, child developmental sessions and an M.R brain scan, the true cause is totally unknown. Attending Rehab UK has given me the confidence and the excellent opportunity to mix and socialise with a wide variety of different people who all have different types of brain injury.

  I am very distressed and very concerned to learn that our centre is under threat of closure in April 2001 unless core funding can be found from The Health Committee. We are doing all that we can to support and save the centre. I am therefore writing to urge you to support us and our campaign.

February 2001

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