Examination of Witness (Questions 580
- 586)
580. We are going to go and visit that area,
so we will see for ourselves, but I am very grateful to you for
that information.
(Mr Taylor) Would you like our monitoring office contact
details, and you could go and visit them and see how it works?
581. Yes; we do have that, I believe.
(Mr Taylor) You have the monitoring office?
582. Yes.
(Mr Taylor) Okay; perhaps we will get them to you,
583. I think, actually, we have learned an awful
lot from you this morning. We believe that we only need a few
names from you, which I think possibly you could give to the Clerk,
after we have finished the formal session; but we do not think
we really need to go into private session, unless you believe
we should?
(Mr Taylor) No; that is fine.
584. Good. Well, I think we should wind up at
this time, but we are very interested and horrified by a lot of
what you have told us, and very grateful to you for alerting us
to it; and we will try to pursue it, in the limited time available
that we have.
(Mr Taylor) Thank you very much. I would be very grateful,
if there is anything you can do to add your voice to try to persuade
the oil companies to move a little bit.
Chairman: We will have to decide, on
the evidence we have got, what we are going to do. We have not
got to that point; but, obviously, this evidence being given by
you in public, we cannot ignore it.
Mr Colman
585. Chairman, I think it would be useful to
know that if Global Witness do apply to give evidence to Shell
and to BP, to their audit committees, on what they have said,
if, in fact, Shell and BP turn down Global Witness's offer. I
think that would be very helpful to know.
(Mr Taylor) That is a very good idea. I will let you
586. Yes; we will be very grateful for that.
Thank you very much indeed for coming, and it is a very important
issue and points you have made to us. Thank you very much.
(Mr Taylor) Thank you for having me.
Chairman: Thank you.