193. Corruption undermines development, hampers
growth and has to be tackled. We must continue to help developing
countries build an environment that will eliminate corruption.
Building and strengthening the necessary institutions and systems
is key to creating the right climate for tackling corruption.
The impact of petty corruption must not be overlooked, for it
is petty corruption that will have the most direct impact on the
194. The companies, financial institutions and
governments of the developed world share the responsibility for
eliminating corruption. We must not only support developing countries
who have made a real commitment to tackle corruption but must
look to put our own house in order. The Government cannot continue
to make improvements in governance a condition for development
assistance when it has failed to implement the OECD Convention
on the Bribery of Foreign Public Officials. A lack of focus and
coordination is hampering efforts to tackle corruption and money
laundering in the UK. There is a need for one department or body
to take a lead and provide a focus for current activity. We urge
the UK Government to act on these issues swiftly.