Annex 1
Model project ideas
This section gives model project ideas suitable
for implementation by the British Council overseas in the field
of corruption.
Developing anti-corruption policies and strategies
Where corruption is recognised as an important
issue but national or organisational policies to tackle it have
not been developed the Council can work with local organisations
to develop awareness and help bring them into being. This can
be done by developing a series of seminars or workshops involving
key people and organisations. Seminars can be supported by study
tours to Britain for representatives of important organisations,
by sponsoring training for key individuals and by proactive, targeted
information work. Seminars can bring together representatives
of government, business, civil society and the media to review
relevant experience, to plan an anti-corruption strategy and to
discuss how and what resources will be needed to implement it.
Products from such seminars can include reports and documents
which contribute to national or organisation policy debate.
Raising awareness of corruption through work with
civil society organisations
Examples of this type of project are the Access
to Laws projects in Eastern Europe and East Asia. In Eastern Europe
the USAID funded Central and Eastern European Law Initiative has
through its 'street law' project, produced and distributed to
citizens easy to read pamphlets explaining what legal powers the
police have, what there are allowed to do, what the citizen's
rights are under the constitution, and what remedies they can
take. In Papua New Guinea AUSAID has funded the production and
distribution of relevant laws dealing with land rights, with explanations
of how they affect ordinary citizens in terms of rights and responsibilities.
The Council has its own experience of working with civil society
organisations to help them to build capacity and raise awareness
of key issues. It can work through providing access to expertise
to work on awareness raising through such things as staff development
and the production of information material.
Working with the media
Training of journalists is an important capacity
building measure. In the Philippines the Centre for Investigative
Journalism has established programmes to train journalists in
investigative techniques, information analysis and corruption
issues. The Centre operates an email listserv. network which connects
everyone who has been trained by the Centre and operates as an
exchange point for advice and information. The Council has dealt
with journalism training over many years whether in Britain or
in-country. It is possible to orient training towards anti-corruption
issues and to consider ways of giving support to working journalists
through information and networking support.
Radio is an important source of information
in many countries. The Council can work with radio journalists
and producers to help them to develop informational programmes
focusing on corruption issues and helping to ensure that citizens
are aware of key legislation and rights. This can sometimes be
done through radio dramas.
Professional development and skills training
There are many aspects of corruption but certain
key skills are important in anti-corruption work. These include
auditing, financial management, administrative and management
skills in general. There are many ways in which the Council can
contribute to professional development and skills training. They
information support work to local
professional bodies;
support to in-country professional
development programmes of professional bodies focusing on anti-corruption
supporting professional bodies to
review and develop their core competence training to cover specific
anti-corruption topics; and
providing local facilities to support
study for and take examinations of appropriate British based professional
qualifications where there is demand and where local qualifications
are weak or insufficiently focused on anti-corruption issues.