Examination of Witness (Questions 280
- 282)
Dr Godman
280. Does the same hold for fisheries?
(Mr Byers) I understand it applies to all agricultural
purposes. Whether fisheries are covered, I do not know.
281. I think that is a worthwhile question,
if I may say so.
(Mr Byers) I will make sure you get a reply.
282. Secretary of State, thank you very much
indeed for your patience. We have had an interesting and exhausting
but fruitful day. I am leaving the House but the one thing which
might have kept me here is I would love to see this Bill go through.
I hope in the next session of Parliament we are going to have
a most important piece of legislation and I hope this Committee
has made an important contribution to it.
(Mr Byers) Can I say that I welcome the opportunity
of appearing before you and I will genuinely be looking forward
to the views of the Committee on the draft Bill and on the consultation.
It has been very clear to me in reading the work you have already
been involved in as a Joint Committee that you have both informed
the debate within Government and indeed have moved the Government
in a particular direction that the Committee hopefully finds helpful.
I do hope that when the final Bill is produced, hopefully in the
not too distant future, it will be a Bill which members of the
Joint Committee can take some pride in because it will reflect
many of the views you have expressed over recent months.
Chairman: Thank you very much indeed.