Select Committee on Northern Ireland Affairs First Special Report

Letter to the Chairman of the Committee from Stephen Timms, MP, Financial Secretary to the Treasury

One of my first tasks as a Treasury Minister in October 1999 was to respond to the Northern Ireland Select Affairs Committee's thorough report on the Impact in Northern Ireland of Cross Border Fuel Price Differentials (21 July 1999).

The Committee has asked for a progress report and I attach to this note a memorandum on those recommendations still outstanding.

Since my response to the Committee in October 1999 there have been two significant new developments; firstly the creation of the Organised Crime Task Force, chaired by the Northern Ireland Minister of State Adam Ingram, MP; and secondly since September 2000 Customs have increased by a factor of four the number of officers devoted to tackling oils fraud in Northern Ireland.

As you will appreciate some of the recommendations do not require an update following my response in October 1999 and these are noted at the end of the memorandum.

8 January 2001

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