Select Committee on Northern Ireland Affairs Minutes of Evidence

Supplementary Memorandum submitted by the Northern Ireland Court Service


  I write to bring you up to date in order that you can consider whether to draw to the Committee's attention an announcement which the Lord Chancellor made on 27 March 2001 in a Written Answer to a Parliamentary Question[2]. The PQ set out for consultation the criteria which he intends to use to assess applications for funding from the extra-statutory ex-gratia Scheme (established in July 2000 to provide representation for proceedings before coroners in exceptional inquests in Northern Ireland).

  The full text of the Parliamentary Question and Answer is set out in an enclosure to this letter.

  The Lord Chancellor established the Extra-Statutory Scheme to provide funding for representation for proceedings before coroners in exceptional inquests in Northern Ireland in the context of the legal aid review and as a measure pending securing a statutory power as suggested at paragraph 5.15 of the Legal Aid Consultation Paper, "Public Benefit and the Public Purse".

  The Decisions Paper "The Way Ahead" (paragraph 72) indicated that the Lord Chancellor intended to secure a statutory power to grant public funding for representation in exceptional cases which otherwise be excluded from the scope of legal aid.

18 April 2001

2   The text of this Answer also appeared in the House of Lords Official Report, 27 March 2001, vol. 624, col. WA15. Back

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Prepared 13 July 2001