Select Committee on Northern Ireland Affairs Appendices to the Minutes of Evidence


Memorandum submitted by the Northern Ireland Association of Citizens Advice Bureau


  Further to our recent telephone conversation, I am enclosing a copy of CAB's written submission to the NI Court Service.[11] I am also enclosing for your information a copy of the submission made by the Advice Services Alliance.

  Our main additional comment on the issue since the publication of CM 4849 is our strong disappointment at the lack of a specific commitment from government to bring forward legislation which would clear the way for voluntary advice agencies in Northern Ireland to employ qualified solicitors with rights of representation in court. At present this is controlled by the Law Society in Northern Ireland via a system of waivers. This Association wrote to the Law Society in December and on one occasion since seeking information on the process of obtaining a waiver. To date we have had no reply. We view this reform as crucial to engaging the voluntary advice sector in the contracting process.

9 February 2001

11   See the list of unprinted papers, p. xvi. Back

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