Select Committee on Northern Ireland Affairs Fifth Report


Session 2000-2001

First Report: The Northern Ireland Prison Service, HC 263, published 28.2.01.
Second Report: The Parades Commission, HC 120-I, published 11.4.01.
Third Report: Relocation following Paramilitary Intimidation, HC 59-I, published 11.4.01
Fourth Report: Legal Aid in Northern Ireland, HC 444, awaiting publication.
Fifth Report: Miscellaneous Financial Matters And The Government's Response to The Committee's Third Report, Session 1999-2000, HC 458, published 29.6.01.
Sixth Report: The Parades Commission - Supplementary Report, HC 521, published 11.5.01.

First Special Report: Annual Report for Session 1999-2000, HC 148, published 6.2.01.
Second Special Report: The Northern Ireland Prison Service, HC 443, published 1.5.01.
Third Special Report: Response of the Northern Ireland Executive to the Fourth and Fifth Reports of Session 1999-2000, HC 522, published 14.5.01.
Fourth Special Report: Government Response to the Committee's First Report, Session 2000-01 and the Work of the Committee in Session 2000-01, HC 523, published 14.5.01

Session 1999-2000

First Report: Scrutiny of Non-Departmental Public Bodies in Northern Ireland, HC179, published 2.2.00.
Second Report: Current problems to the livestock industry in Northern Ireland, HC 62, published 14.3.00.
Third Report: The Northern Ireland Office 2000 Department Report, HC 450, published 21.4.00.
Fourth Report: Northern Ireland Railways: Financial Provision for New Rolling Stock in 2000-01, HC 512, published 4.8.00.
Fifth Report: Public Expenditure in Northern Ireland: Inward Investment, HC 198, published 4.8.00.

First Special Report: Devolution and the work of the Committee, HC 178, published 28.1.99.
Second Special Report: Government Response to the Second Report from the Northern Affairs Committee "Current Problems relating to the Livestock Industry in Northern Ireland", HC 535, published 26.5.00.

Session 1998-99

First Report: Public Expenditure in Northern Ireland: Special Needs Education, HC 33 & 317, published 19.4.99.
Second Report: Electricity Supplies in Northern Ireland: Impact of the 26 December 1998 Storm, HC227, published 28.7.99.
Third Report: Impact in Northern Ireland of Cross-Border Road Fuel Price Differentials, HC334, published 28.7.99.
Fourth Report: The Operation of the Fair Employment (Northern Ireland) Act 1989: Ten Years On, Volumes I and II, HC 95-I, II, published 30.7.99.

First Special Report: Response of the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland to the Committee's Fourth Report of Session 1997-98 on the Prison Service in Northern Ireland, HC 299, published 5.3.99.
Second Special Report: Further Response by the Government to the Committee's Second Report of Session 1997-98, Electoral Malpractice in Northern Ireland, HC 484, published 28.5.99.
Third Special Report: Government Response to the Committee's First Report of Session 1998-99, Public Expenditure in Northern Ireland: Special Needs Education, HC 587, published 25.6.99.
Fourth Special Report: Government Response to the Committee's Third Report of Session 1998-99, Impact in Northern Ireland of Cross-Border Road Fuel Price Differentials, HC 836, published 28.10.99.
Fifth Special Report: Responses to Committee's Fourth Report of Session 1998-99, The Operation of the Fair Employment (Northern Ireland) Act 1989: Ten Years On, HC 837, published 28.10.99.
Sixth Special Report: Responses to the Committee's Second Report of Session 1998-99, Electricity Supplies in Northern Ireland: Impact of the 26 December 1998 Storm, HC 923, published 18.11.99.

Session 1997-98

First Report: Northern Ireland Public Expenditure: Current Plans and Priorities, HC 295, published 10.2.98.
Second Report: Electoral Malpractice in Northern Ireland, HC 316, published 23.3.98.
Third Report: Composition, Recruitment and Training of the RUC, Volumes I and II, HC 337-I, II, published 27.07.98.
Fourth Report: Prison Service in Northern Ireland, HC 716, published 1.12.98.
First Special Report: Response by the Government to the Committee's First Report on Northern Ireland Public Expenditure: Current Plans and Priorities, HC 700, published 28.04.98.
Second Special Report: Response by the Government to the Committee's Second Report on Electoral Malpractice in Northern Ireland, HC 781, published 15.6.98.
Third Special Report: Government Observations on the Third Report from the Committee on Composition, Recruitment and Training of the RUC, HC 1142, published 11.11.98.

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Prepared 29 June 2001