Select Committee on Northern Ireland Affairs Appendices to the Minutes of Evidence


Letter from the Northern Ireland Office to the Clerk of the Committee


  I am pleased to inform you that this Department's Service Delivery Agreement 2001-02—2003-04 (SDA) will be published on the NIO's web site on Friday 3 November 2000. Publication will coincide with that of the SDAs for other departments.

  The purpose of the SDA is to explain the action which this Department will be taking before and during the three years beginning 1 April 2001 to ensure that the strategic targets set down in the NIO's Public Service Agreement (PSA) for achievement during that period are realised. The NIO's PSA was published along with those of other departments in the Government's White Paper "Spending Review 2000: Public Service Agreements July 2000" presented to Parliament by the Chief Secretary to the Treasury by Command of Her Majesty July 2000 (Cm. 4808).

  The SDA also describes the main elements of this Department's response to the Government's initiatives to modernise and improve service delivery and management.

  The Secretary of State for Northern Ireland will be responsible for the delivery of the targets set out in the PSA and SDA, all of which will be realised through the work of the NIO and the various statutory and non-statutory bodies which it funds.

  The NIO's web site reference is

  If you require any further information on this subject please let me know.

31 October 2000

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