Memorandum submitted by the Peace Train
The Peace Train Organisation has been involved
in the campaign to oppose exiling people from Northern Ireland
and indeed the Republic of Ireland by paramilitary organisations.
The organisation was involved with New Dialogue,
a UK based peace organisation, and other organisations, in raising
the awareness regarding the exiling of people from the island
of Ireland.
The Peace Train Organisation, in conjunction
with the Unitarian Church in Dublin, held a vigil which was attended
by public representatives from most of the main political parties
around the issue of exiles.
In our discussions with one paramilitary organisation,
the Ulster Volunteer Force, they did give a commitment that they
no longer see exiling as a mechanism to be used regarding antisocial
However, the Peace Train is concerned that a
number of people who have been exiled from Northern Ireland and
the Republic are not aware as to whether it is safe for them to
return home, and as to what is the position of the various paramilitary
organisations. We are also concerned that the British Government's
response has not been strong enough both in condemning these activities
and knitting them into considerations regarding prisoner release
and also providing adequate assistance to these people.
The Peace Train Organisation is aware of a number
of cases, both north and south, where people living outside both
jurisdictions, Northern Ireland and the Republic, are afraid to
return because they feel vulnerable. Whilst it may not be pertinent
to the terms of reference of the Northern Ireland Affairs Committee's
inquiry into relocation of paramilitary victims, I would like
to make a couple of points regarding persons exiled from the Republic
of Ireland.
We are aware of a number of people falling into
the following categories, former paramilitaries, former security
force members of the British Armed Forces, and serving members
of the British Armed Forces who are concerned about their welfare
if they return to Ireland. In the light of both Governments suspending
any charges against paramilitaries who are now living outside
the jurisdictions of the Republic of Ireland and the United Kingdom,
we believe it is important that the political organisations associated
with paramilitaries make some reciprocal statement. As can be
appreciated the persons who are involved in these categories would
not at this stage wish to have their names mentioned.
27 October 2000