Select Committee on Procedure Second Report


Analysis of responses to the Chairman's questionnaire

The total number of responses received from Members of Parliament is 130 (19.7% of the total number of Members currently serving in the House).

      Labour 65
      Conservative 48
      Liberal Democrats 5
      Independent 1
      Plaid Cymru 2
      UK Unionist 1
      Social Democratic and Labour Party 1
      Scottish National Party 2
      Anonymous 5
Number of MPs who favour a ballot system: 111 (85.4%)
      Labour 54
      Conservative 40
      Liberal Democrats 4
      Independent 1
      Plaid Cymru 1
      UK Unionist 1
      Social Democratic and Labour Party 1
      Scottish National Party 2
      Anonymous 5
Number of MPs who do not favour a ballot system: 11 (8.5%)
      Labour 5
      Conservative 6
Number of MPs who do not have a preference: 8 (6.1%)
      Labour 6
      Conservative 1
      Liberal Democrats 1
Number of MPs who favour a secret ballot system: 82 (63%)
      Labour 38
      Conservative 30
      Liberal Democrats 4
      Plaid Cymru 2
      UK Unionist 1
      Scottish National Party 2
      Anonymous 5
Number of MPs who favour an open ballot system: 31 (23.8%)
      Labour 18
      Conservative 10
      Independent 1
      Social Democratic and Labour Party 1
      Anonymous 1
      Others 8
      Don't knows/no change: 5
Number of MPs who favour the alternative vote system: 46 (35.4%)
      Labour 29
      Conservative 6
      Liberal Democrats 5
      Plaid Cymru 2
      Scottish National Party 1
      Social Democratic and Labour Party 1
      Anonymous 2
Number of MPs who favour a first past the post system: 39 (30%)
      Labour 10
      Conservative 25
      Independent 1
      UKU 1
      Anonymous 3
      Don't knows/no change 26
      Others 17
78 Members (60%) favour each candidate to continue to require a mover and seconder.
47 Members (36%) favour each candidate requiring a mover and seconder and for all three to be entitled to address the House as at present.
41 Members (31.5%) are in favour of a written manifesto replacing or supplementing a mover and seconder.
44 Members (33.8%) favour a hustings meeting.
32 Members (24.6%) favour the requirement that candidates have the support of a minimum number of Members to be eligible to enter the contest.

18 January 2001

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