Select Committee on Public Accounts Appendices to the Minutes of Evidence


Supplementary memorandum submitted by the Master of the Armouries (PAC 2000-01/153)


  Following the hearing, I contacted the Royal Armouries Association at Leeds (the current name of what was the Leeds Support Group) to check that my answers were correct. Members of the Association agreed that at no time had the Support Group criticised the management of the Royal Armouries in the manner suggested at the hearing. They were disturbed that the name of the Support Group was being used in an attack upon the museum that the Association exists to help.

  Question 31 suggested that the Support Group was composed solely of "museum experts". This is not the case. It did contain some people who did or had worked in museums, but also collectors, enthusiasts, students of the subject, members of re-enactment groups and those simply with a general interest in helping a major new cultural project in the Leeds area.

  Question 33 mentions two people by name, Amanda McCaig and Alan Radford. I have checked with the officers of the Association and find that Ms McCaig left the Support Group in 1995—in a letter of 15 May 1995 she indicated that she was not prepared to pay the membership fee that was then being introduced. Existing records do not indicate when Alan Radford left, but the memory of one officer is that, although he did attend the opening in 1996, he was not a regular attender after 1994. Since the opening of the museum Ms McCaig has attacked the museum and its management in the local press. Her letter to the Committee[1] should be seen as part of a personal campaign against the museum not as a fair reflection of the views of the Support Group then or the Association now.

G M Wilson

Master of the Armouries

1 May 2001

1   Not printed. Back

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