Select Committee on Public Accounts Minutes of Evidence


Supplementary memorandum submitted by English Heritage (PAC 99-00/224)

Q 53-54

  The 10 cases where the NAO found no evidence that competitive tenders were sought break down as follows:

    —  four cases where evidence exists elsewhere that the work had in fact been competitively tendered, two belonging to the National Trust; and

    —  six cases where competitive tenders were not sought for reasons which we believe to be justified, as described in my answer to question 53.

Q 62

  I was asked about the notification of sale in relation to the five properties identified in paragraph 3.19 of the NAO's report. We were properly notified of sale in four of these five cases and found out about the sale of one: Branthwaite Hall, Workington, owned by the National Coal Board. In this case grant of £44,000 was recovered in full.

Q 66

  I was asked for the largest grant given to an individual. The largest grant to a privately owned property was £1,054 million to Castle Howard Estates Limited, the company of the Howard family and residents of Castle Howard, for the repair of the Mausoleum at Castle Howard. It is common for such families to hold their properties through an estate company. The largest grant given to an individual who owns a property in their own name was to Gordon Duff Pennington for Muncaster Castle, for £450,000.

English Heritage

10 July 2000

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