Select Committee on Public Accounts Minutes of Evidence


Memorandum submitted by the Learning & Skills Council (PAC 00-01/165)

  At paragraph 19 to the transcript of the minutes of evidence taken before the Committee of Public Accounts on 14 March 2001, Professor David Melville promised to provide a note about the funds made available to colleges in 1999-2000 and 2000-01 to support investment in capital and in information and learning technology (ILT).

  The details are provided in the table below:
Capital—Property£58 million £65 million
Capital—LT£12 million £20 million

  Of the above £30 million in each year came from the FEFC's programme budget (spent against capital—property). The remainder were specific DfEE allocations.

Stuart Gardner

Clerk to the Council

2 April 2001

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