| | Publication Date
1 | Inpatient Admission, Bed Management and Patient Discharge in NHS Acute Hospitals (HC 135)
| 25/01/01 |
2 | Public Trust Office: Unclaimed Balances Held in Funds in Court and the Office's 1998-99 Accounts (HC 142)
| 31/01/01 |
3 | Emergency Aid: The Kosovo Crisis (HC 143)
| 14/02/01 |
4 | Grants made by the National Lottery Charities Board (HC 168)
| 16/02/01 |
5 | The Draft Social Security (Inherited SERPS) Regulations 2001 (HC 243)
| 18/02/01 |
6 | Review of Audit and Accountability for Central Government (HC 260)
| 02/03/01 |
7 | Excess Votes 1999-2000: Class X, Votes 2 and 3 (HC 284)
| 09/03/01 |
8 | Maintaining the Royal Palaces (HC 77)
| 14/03/01 |
9 | Managing Finances in English Further Education Colleges (HC 283)
| 21/03/01 |
10 | Parole (HC 349) | 29/03/01
11 | The Housing Corporation: Overseeing Focus Housing Association (HC 365)
| 02/05/01 |
12 | English Heritage: Access to Properties (HC 265)
| 03/05/01 |