Select Committee on Public Accounts Minutes of Evidence


Supplementary memorandum submitted by HM Treasury (PAC 140)

  At the Committee's hearing on 2 April the Chairman asked me (Q 18) whether the Treasury alerted departments after the Allcock case. I agreed to check.

  2.  The Treasury's fraud report for 1997-98, circulated to departments in December 1998, contained a four page description of the main features of the Allcock case, drawing on the NAO's report in August of that year. In addition, the fraud report for 1999-2000, circulated in February of this year, contained in an appendix a one page note which, although not identified as the Allcock case, was in fact a brief summary of it, drawing on the PAC's report of April 1999.

Brian Glicksman

Treasury Officer of Accounts

11 April 2001


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