Select Committee on Public Administration First Special Report

The Public Administration Committee is appointed to examine on behalf of the House of Commons the reports of the Parliamentary Commissioner for Administration, of the Health Service Commissioners for England, Scotland and Wales and of the Parliamentary Ombudsman for Northern Ireland, which are laid before this House, and matters in connection therewith; and to consider matters relating to the quality and standards of administration provided by Civil Service departments, and other matters relating to the Civil Service. Its constitution and powers are set out in House of Commons Standing Order No. 146.

The Committee has a maximum of eleven members, of whom the quorum for any formal proceedings is three. The members of the Committee are appointed by the House and unless discharged remain on the Committee until the next dissolution of Parliament. The present membership of the Committee is as follows[1]:

Mr Ronnie Campbell (Labour, Blyth Valley)2
Mr David Lepper (Labour/Co-op, Brighton Pavilion)3
Mr John McFall (Labour/Co-op, Dumbarton)4
Mr Mark Oaten (Liberal Democrat, Winchester)5
Mr John Townend (Conservative, Yorkshire East)6
The Hon Michael Trend (Conservative, Windsor)7
Mr Neil Turner (Labour, Wigan)9
Mr Andrew Tyrie (Conservative, Chichester)2
Mr Brian White (Labour, Milton Keynes North East)10
Mr Anthony D Wright (Labour, Great Yarmouth)11
Mr Tony Wright (Labour, Cannock Chase)10

On 15 June 1999, the Committee elected Tony Wright as its Chairman.

The Committee has the power to require the submission of written evidence and documents, to examine witnesses, and to make Reports to the House.

The Committee may meet at any time (except when Parliament is prorogued or dissolved) and at any place within the United Kingdom. The Committee may meet concurrently with the European Scrutiny Committee (or any of its sub-committees) for the purpose of deliberating or of taking evidence. The Committee may exchange documents and evidence with this committee.

The Reports and evidence of the Committee are published by The Stationery Office by Order of the House. All publications of the Committee (including press notices) are on the internet at A list of Reports of the Committee in the present Parliament is at the end of this volume.

All correspondence should be addressed to The Clerk of the Public Administration Committee, House of Commons, London SW1A 0AA. The telephone number for general inquiries is: 020 7219 3284; the Committee's e-mail address is:

1   Fiona Mactaggart (Labour, Slough) was appointed on 16 July 1997 and discharged on 3 February 1998; Miss Melanie Johnson (Labour, Welwyn Hatfield) was appointed on 16 July 1997 and discharged on 13 January 1999; Mr Mike Hancock (Liberal Democrat, Portsmouth South) was appointed on 16 July 1997 and discharged on 5 May 1999; Mr Rhodri Morgan (Labour, Cardiff West) (elected Chairman on 22 July 1997), Dr Lynda Clark (Labour, Edinburgh Pentlands) and Mr Fraser Kemp (Labour, Houghton and Washington East) were appointed on 16 July 1997 and discharged on 10 June 1999; Mr David Ruffley (Conservative, Bury St Edmunds) was appointed on 16 July 1997 and discharged on 2 July 1999; Peter Bradley (Labour, The Wrekin) was appointed on 16 July 1997 and discharged on 20 January 2000; Mr Desmond Browne (Labour, Kilmarnock and Loudoun) was appointed on 10 June1999 and discharged on 3 March 2000; Ms Helen Jones (Labour, Warrington North) was appointed on 3 February 1998 and discharged on 9 February 2000; Ms Margaret Moran (Labour, Luton South) was appointed on 13 January 1999 and discharged on 14 February 2000; Mr Richard Shepherd (Conservative, Aldridge Brownhills) was appointed on 16 July 1997 and discharged on 1 February 2000; The Hon Nicholas Soames (Conservative, mid Sussex) was appointed on 2 July 1999 and discharged on 18 January 2000; Dr George Turner (Labour, North West Norfolk) was appointed on 14 February 2000 and discharged on 30 March 2000.
2 Appointed on 16 July 1997
3 Appointed on 20 January 2000
4 Appointed on 3 March 2000
5 Appointed on 5 May 1999
6 Appointed on 18 January 2000
7 Appointed on 1 February 2000
8 Appointed on 14 February 2000
9 Appointed on 9 February 2000
10 Appointed on 10 June 1999
11 Appointed on 30 March 2000


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