Name of Department
| No of
| Information received/declined/unavailable
MAFF | 2 |
Age, names and work history supplied; no CVs. Responsible for policy advice.
DCMS | 2
| CVs received. Political advisers rather than technical experts.
Ministry of Defence | 2
| CVs declined; areas of policy interest given. Declined to provide career history and personal details since they are confidential between employer and employee.
DfEE | 5
| Areas of responsibility given; no CVs. 4 political advisers;1 policy expert. (2 part-time).
DETR | 5
| Name, and area of responsibility given. |
FCO | 2
| Brief career history supplied. Both policy advisers.
Home Office | 2
| Role and biog details supplied including press release announcing appointment of Special Adviser to Home Secretary. 1 political adviser; 1 policy adviser.
Lord Chancellor's
Department |
1 | CV supplied. Recruited for technical expertise but also undertook political liaison role.
DfID | 1 |
1 position vacant. No distinction drawn between technical expert and political adviser role. Declined to provide career history and personal details since they are confidential between employer and employee.
DSS | 2 |
Areas of policy interest covered; biog details not supplied. Declined to provide career history and personal details since they are confidential between employer and employee.
DTI | 2 |
Areas of interest given; advisers provide policy and presentational advice. Declined to provide career history and personal details since they are confidential between employer and employee.
Cabinet Office and
10 Downing Street
| 30 | Names, titles and responsibilities provided; declined to provide career history and personal details since they are confidential between employer and employee
Scotland Office | 2
| Names and titles provided. Responsibilities for policy and presentation; declined to provide career history and personal details since they are confidential between employer and employee. (Volunteered 1 further adviser part-time and unpaid).
Leader of the
House of Lords
| 2 | Names and policy areas covered; declined to provide career history and personal details since they are confidential between employer and employee.
Govt Chief Whip | 2
| Names given; areas of responsibility not given. Declined to provide career history and personal details since they are confidential between employer and employee.
Leader of the House | 2
| Names, age, educational qualifications and brief career history supplied.
Wales Office | 2
| Both policy advisers. Declined to provide career history and personal details since they are confidential between employer and employee.
DoH | 2 |
Areas of responsibility given as 1 policy adviser and 1 political and presentational adviser; CVs provided with agreement of advisers
HM Treasury | 8
| List of names, job titles and areas of responsibility given. Policy advice and media relations.
Total | 76 |