Select Committee on Public Administration Fourth Report

Annex 1

Letter of reply from Sir Richard Wilson, KCB 1 August 2000

Thank you for your letters of 19 and 20 July seeking information on the age and career history of Special Advisers along with a description of their individual work responsibilities.

All special advisers are appointed under terms and conditions set out in the Model Contract for Special Advisers. As requested, I enclose a list of the special advisers working in No 1 and the Cabinet Office together with a breakdown of their individual responsibilities. Sir Richard does not feel however that he can agree to provide information relating to the educational qualifications and career history of the individuals concerned. This is personal information between the employer and employee which we would not supply about permanent civil servants, and it is not for departments to make public information that has been given in confidence.

Sir Richard Wilson, KCB
1 August 2000

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