Select Committee on Public Administration Fifth Report


NameEstablished TerminatedTerms of reference Date and subjects of any reports Membership
Emergency Pressures Task ForceJan 2000 To be decidedTo:

  review the causes and responses of the NHS and partner organisations to the pressures experienced over the winter period

  identify examples of good practice for early promulgation

  recommend short and medium term responses by the respective partners to promote best operational practice to all sectors.

The Management of Emergency Pressures - Sep 2000 (paper presented Jul 2000) 30 members, including National Assembly for Wales officials, public servants and health professionals
Expert Group on Indicators of Health Inequalities Jun 1999Mar 2001 To advise the Chief Medical Officer on the development of a system in Wales to monitor inequalities in health and in health determinants, and, where appropriate, to set targets. Report in preparation - Phase 1: Health Indicators Paul Tromans (Chair; Gwent Health Authority)

19 members, including civil servants and health professionals

Future Skills Wales Task Force1 Dec 1999 Oct 2000To advise the National Assembly for Wales on a strategy for skills that will ensure that Wales has the skills needed to sustain high levels of employment, to provide opportunity for all and out perform its world-wide competitors. Report due 18 Oct 2000 Brian Connelly (Chair; Chairman of the Qualifications, Curriculum and Assessment Authority for Wales)

8 members, including civil servants, public servants and private sector

Joint England/Wales DeafBlind Consultation Group Mar 2000Oct 2000 To:

·  refine estimates of the numbers of deafblind people requiring services

·  look at ways in which deafblind people are currently identified by authorities, and how those methods can be strengthened

·  look at alternative systems of identification, and decide which works best

·  look at existing registration systems, whether they work, how authorities use them and what more could be done with them

·  find out more about existing services.

No report is expected to be published 24 members, including civil servants, health professionals, voluntary/charity sector and private sector
Joint Professional Forum Health and Well Being Group Jan 2000Not known To:

  establish a framework for co-ordinating professional advice on cross cutting issues from the Formal and Statutory Advisory Committees to the National Assembly through the relevant Head of Profession

  be proactive in the provision of advice and provision of evidence for the rationale of decision making in respect of the National Assembly forward programme

  provide multi-professional advice on issues relating to the health and well-being of the people of Wales.

Not known22 members, including civil servants and members of statutory and formal advisory committees
Land Use Planning ForumJan 2000 Jul 2000To:

·  inform the development of strategic land-use planning policy

·  provide timely, practical and expert advice to the Assembly Secretary and the Executive, in the preparation of the second revision of 'Planning Guidance (Wales): Planning Policy'

·  provide strategic advice on the scope, content and priorities of the Wales Planning Research Programme.

Not known24 members, including civil servants, local government association members and private sector
Learning Disability Advisory GroupDec 1999 Apr 2001To provide a service framework for people with learning disabilities. Report due Mar 2001 Oliver Russell (Chair; Norah Fry Research Centre)

17 members, including civil servants and health professionals

Lifetime Homes Steering GroupJul 1998 2001To guide the investigation into the implications of incorporating Lifetime Homes Standards into social housing in Wales. This is provided through new build and rehabilitation and identifying and assessing the potential costs and benefits, including the impact on the social housing programme and the potential impact on the demand for residential care and expenditure on grant funded applications. Report to National Assembly for Wales - 14 Mar 2000 John Bader (Chair; Head of Housing and Community Renewal)

14 members, including local councils, housing federations, academics, voluntary/charity sector and private sector

Local Government Partnership Council's Health and Well-Being Task and Finish Group Mar 2000Mar 2001 To identify the current roles of existing and potential community alliance partners in addressing the Assembly's new public health and well-being agenda; and to pinpoint ways in which their contributions can be better facilitated and enhanced. None20 members, including civil servants, local health groups and voluntary/charity sector
Managing Pressures within the NHS and partner organisations Jan 2000Not yet finalised To be decidedPaper presented to Health and Social Services Committee - 5 Jul 2000

The Management of Emergency Pressures - due end Oct 2000

Jane Hutt (Chair; Assembly Secretary Health and Social Services Committee)

33 members, including civil servants and health professionals

National Consultative Forum on Housing in Wales 1998Under continuing review, generally conducted annually To enable the Assembly to exchange ideas, views and information with a range of organisations associated with housing in Wales on:

  the development, implementation and evaluation of the Assembly's national housing strategy;

·  housing issues that fall outside the parameters of the national strategy; and

·  how housing links to the Assembly's wider social, economic and environmental policy agenda.

Framework for a National Housing Strategy for Wales - Jul 1999 Peter Law (Chair; Assembly Secretary for Local Government and Housing)

21 members, including civil servants, charity/voluntary sector and private sector

National Housing Strategy for Wales Task Groups (x4) Sep 1999May 2000 (although formal work completed by Mar 2000) To consider the issues (and proposals) set out in the Framework for a National Housing Strategy for Wales and develop well-reasoned policy proposals which the NAW can consider for inclusion in a national housing strategy. Final Report - Apr 2000 Housing Requirements:

Louise Barnden (Chair; Chartered Institute of Housing in Wales)

10 members, including civil servants and private sector

Private Housing:

Peter Williams (Chair; Council of Mortgage Lenders)

17 members, including civil servants and private sector

Sustainable Social Housing for the 21st Century

Keith Edwards (Chair; Tenant Participation Advisory Service)

8 members, including civil servants and charity sector

Vulnerable Households

David Clapham (Chair; Centre for Housing Management and Development)

15 members, including civil servants, charity and private sector

Prescribing Task and Finish GroupJan 2000 Dec 2000To consider what options the Assembly has to improve the prescribing of drugs, the provision of pharmaceutical services and the supply of pharmaceuticals in Wales, and to make recommendations to the Health and Social Services Secretary. Prescribing Task and Finish Group Consultation Document - Dec 2000 Norman Mills (Chair; retired Chief Executive of Llandough Hospital)

22 members, including NAW officials and health professionals

Social Services White Paper for Wales "Building for the Future" Project Board, supported by 6 Task Groups Dec 1999Due to be reviewed Jul 2001 To advise the Assembly on the effective implementation of the strategies and objectives published in the Social Services White Paper for Wales NoneProject Board

16 members, including NAW officials and charity sector

Task Group 1

18 members, including NAW officials and charity sector

Task Group 2

19 members including NAW officials and charity sector

Task Group 3

21 members, including NAW officials and charity sector

Task Group 4

20 members, including NAW officials, charity sector and private sector

Task Group 5

15 members, including NAW officials and charity sector

Task Group 6

17 members, including NAW officials and charity sector

Substance Misuse Advisory PanelJul 1999 Was to be terminated by Jul 2000, but to remain in place for another 6 months to allow time to be put on formal footing with Tier 1 ANDPB To advise on the development and implementation of the Welsh Drug and Alcohol Strategy and to provide expert advice on issues relating to drug and alcohol policy as requested. None, but minutes of 5 meetings are available 14 members, including civil servants, health professionals and charity/voluntary sector
Supporting People External Reference Group Oct 1999Apr 2003 To gain the views of both the voluntary and statutory sectors on the implementation of 'Supporting People' in Wales. None20 members, including civil servants and charity/voluntary sector
Waiting Times Strategy Development Group Dec 1999On-going To support the NAW in developing a new medium-term strategy for Wales and a process to facilitate the effective implementation of national programmes and the execution of local programmes. Final report due by end 2000 Dennis Jessop (Chair; Gwent Healthcare NHS Trust)

28 members, including NAW officials, health professionals and private associations

Wales Centre for Health Project BoardApr 2000 2002To ensure the successful establishment of a Wales Centre for Health. None13 members, including civil servants, health professionals and academics
Working Group on Funding the Voluntary Sector Oct 1999Not yet established To:

  map the current position of funding for the voluntary sector by the NAW

  review this pattern against the draft objectives for the NAW as set out in 'Better Wales'

  look at the present context of voluntary sector engagement including legislation, accountability, funding systems and time scales.

Report to Voluntary Sector Partnership Council - published website May 2000 11 members, including NAW officials, private sector and charity/voluntary sector
Total 28

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