Session 1997-98
First Report: Public Appointments (HC 327)
Government Response: Third Special Report,
Session 1997-98 (HC 723)
Second Report: Annual Report of the Health Service
Ombudsman for 1996-97 (HC 352)
Government Response: Fifth Special Report,
Session 1997-98 (HC 1055)
Third Report: Your Right to Know: The Government's
Proposals for a Freedom of Information Act (HC 398)
Government Response: Fourth Special Report,
Session 1997-98 (HC 1020)
Fourth Report: Ministerial Accountability and Parliamentary
Questions (HC 820)
Fifth Report: Report of the Northern Ireland Ombudsman
for 1997 (HC 630)
Government Response: First Special Report,
Session 1998-99 (HC 53)
Sixth Report: The Government Information and Communication
Service (HC 770)
Government Response: Second Special Report,
Session 1998-99 (HC 162)
Session 1998-99
First Report: Report of the Parliamentary Ombudsman
for 1997-98 (HC 136)
Government Response: Fourth Special Report,
Session 1998-99 (HC 817)
Second Report: Annual Report of the Health Service
Ombudsman for 1997-98 (HC 54)
Government Response: Third Special Report,
Session 1998-99 (HC 816)
Third Report: Freedom of Information draft Bill (HC
Government Response: Fifth Special Report,
Session 1998-99 (HC 831)
Fourth Report: Ministerial Accountability and Parliamentary
Questions (HC 821)
Fifth Report: Freedom of Information Draft Bill:
The Committee's Response to the Home Office Reply (HC 925)
Sixth Report: Quangos (HC 209)
Government Response: First Special Report,
Session 1999-00 (HC 78)
Session 1999-00
First Report: The Freedom of Information Bill (HC
Second Report: Work of the Commissioner for Public
Appointments: Appointments to NHS Trusts and Health Authorities
(HC 410)
Government Response: Cm 5037Third
Report: Review of Public Sector Ombudsmen in England (HC 612)
Fourth Report: Annual Report of the Parliamentary
Ombudsman (HC 106)
Fifth Report: Administrative Failure: Inherited SERPS
(HC 433)
Government Response: First Special Report,
Session 2000-01 (HC 264)
Session 2000-01
First Report: The Annual Report of the Health Service
Ombudsman for 1998-99 (HC 60)
Government Response: Second Special Report,
Session 2000-01 (HC 374)
Second Report: Ministerial Accountability and Parliamentary
Questions (HC 61)
Third Report: The Ministerial Code: Improving the
Rule Book (HC 235)
Fourth Report: Special Advisers: Boon or Bane? (HC
Fifth Report: Mapping the Quango State (HC 367)
Sixth Report: Public Participation: Issues and Innovations
(HC 373)
Seventh Report: Making Government Work: The Emerging
Issues (HC 94)