Memorandum by Barnsley Metropolitan Borough
You may be aware that Barnsley MBC introduced
its "New Democratic Framework" in February of this year.
A key part of the framework is the development of a borough-wide
"Community Plan" aimed at establishing a vision for
the future of the Borough, both developed in partnership with
and informed by the views of local people.
The Barnsley Forum, composed of key stakeholders,
has been created to facilitate the production of, delivery and
periodic review of the Community Plan. The Forum was convened
for the first time on 27 November 1999 where nearly 200 people,
derived from the general public and local community groups attended.
The Barnsley public was invited to submit views on the future
of the Borough and a mini-exhibition, including an exhibition
concerning "Local Democracy Week" was staged to assist
in stimulating discussion.
A considerable amount of information was yielded
by the public via the Forum on issues of local significance.
Barnsley "Voice" is a citizens' panel
which has been formed in conjunction with other stakeholders,
notably Barnsley Health Authority, and is composed of a representative
sample of Barnsley Residents (1,600 members), Barnsley "Voice"
has already provided the Authority with information via surveys
on public perception of the quality of services and how they should
be improved. The information yielded will be put to good use in
Best Value Service reviews.
Barnsley's New Democratic Framework is also
characterised by a number of area based "Forums" which
are coterminous with local ward boundaries. These Forums are composed
of local ward members and their purpose is to represent, advocate
and meet the needs of local people.
The Forums also act as a vehicle for contributing
the views of local people to the development of area community
plans. The meetings of the Forums take place every three weeks
and public attendance is actively encouraged. The meetings provide
for a 30-minute public question and answer session at the end
of each meeting.
Full Council meets every three weeks and meetings
are open to the public who may table questions. Details of meetings
and the dates by which questions need to be submitted, are published
in the local press.