Memorandum by the National Association
of Local Councils
Further to our conversation this morning please
find enclosed a number of documents the National Association has
produced in the last year relating to parish polls[12],
and in particular regarding the recent bid by the Campaign Alliance
for Referenda in Parishes (CARP) to use parish polls to spark
a national debate on the Euro.
The National Association recognises the important
role that parish polls play in empowering the public and giving
a voice to groups within a local community. However we are concerned
that current legislation allows a very small number of people
to impose a considerable expense on the electorate without having
to show that they have support in the wider community.
NALC would like to see the legislation changed
to remove the proviso that allows a poll to be demanded by not
less than 10 or one third of the local government electors present
at the meeting, "whichever is the less". Instead we
would prefer that a set proportion of the electorate or a proportion
of electors present at the meeting only would be able to demand
a poll.
If you have any comments or queries, or would
like any further information, please do not hesitate to contact
Sarah Thomas
Policy Officer
9 October 2000
12 not printed. Back