Annex 2
Named Day Questions: Percentage answered
on the named day
| 1 May 1997 - June 1999
Percentage answered
on named day and total
number tabled
Agriculture, Fisheries and Food
| 53% (1989)
Cabinet Office | 68% (565)
Culture, Media and Sport
| 27% (889)
Defence | 50%[38] (2155)
Education and Employment
| 75% (2158)
Environment, Transport and the Regions
| 80% (3837)
Foreign and Commonwealth
| 66% (2458)
Health | 86% (2715)
Home | 75.4% (2453)
International Development
| 92% (519)
Lord Chancellor's Dept |
91% (486)
Northern Ireland | 52% (841)
President of the Council
| 85% (98)
Scotland Office | 62% (1053)
Social Security | 91% (2304)
Trade and Industry |
32% (2639)
Treasury | 33% (2428)
Welsh | 91% (869)
Statistics compiled from answers given by Departments
to Mr Graham Brady, MP
38 50 per cent applies to period April-June 1999 only Back