Select Committee on Public Administration Second Report



nodate SubjectComment qnocol.
110.12 Personal details:
Departmental staff security clearance
In appropriate to give details of level of security clearance of individual officials 62848273
  9.3 Human Rights Commission
(Religious affiliation)
Not policy to give details of religious affiliation of each member of the Commission: and see 10.3 [75145] 75291109
  28.4 Departmental disciplinary action Disciplinary action involving a civil servant an internal matter and is confidential 81885188
214.12 Prisoner Releases Names or perceived affiliation of individual prisoners not published: and see 8.2 [69091] (security reasons) 62941321
33.2 Departmental Legislation Convention that legislative proposals for each year are not announced before the Queen's Speech at the start of the relevant Session 68425608
44.2 Paramilitary Violence Government does not discuss intelligence matters 67777701
515.2 Bloody Sunday Inquiry Inquiry is independent; working practices are a matter for itself. Not appropriate to comment 69796481
64.3 Beef ExportsOnly one company exporting beef, so value of exports commercially confidential 73751825
718.5 State Pathologists Number of post mortems held by individual State Pathologists withheld 83937304
81.11 Army assistanceGuidance on circumstances when army assistance to be sought in dealing with public order situations confidential 9536439
94.11 Fair Employment
(NI) Act1989
Chief Constable's review under s.31 of the Act withheld because it contains information which could prejudice the security of individual officers 94661257

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