Members present:
Mr Tony Wright, in the Chair
Mr David Lepper | Mr Andrew Tyrie
Mr Michael Trend | Mr Brian White
Memorandum by the Performance and Innovation Unit
This brief written evidence provides a summary of the work
conducted by the PIU since its establishment in 1998.
It includes:
An overview of the PIU and its role
A summary of published reports and their impacts:
Encryption and Law Enforcement (May 1999)
E-Commerce (September 1999)
Rural Economies (December 1999)
Wiring it Up (January 2000)
Adding it Up (January 2000)
Reaching Out (February 2000)
Winning the Generation Game (April 2000)
Recovering the Proceeds of Crime (June 2000)
Counter Revolution (June 2000)
Rights of Exchange (September 2000)
Overview of current projects
Leadership in the Public Sector
Privacy and Data-Sharing
Health in Developing Countries
Modernising Government Loans
i. The Performance and Innovation Unit (PIU) was established
in 1998 as a result of Sir Richard Wilson's review of the centre
of government.
ii. It provides the Prime Minister and Government departments
with a capacity to analyse major policy issues and design strategic
iii. The PIU primarily works on individual projects,
using small teams drawn from within government and the wider public,
private and voluntary sectors. Recent projects have covered topics
as varied as e-commerce and the rural economy, the future of the
Post Office and trade policy. Most of the topics are long-term
strategic issues that cut across departmental boundaries.
iv. The PIU brings a distinctive approach to bear, combining
rigorous analysis of the evidence; extensive consultation, particularly
with practitioners; and creative thinking to break out of the
confines of conventional wisdom.
v. The Unit works very closely with No10 Downing Street,
the Cabinet Office and HM Treasury. It reports directly to the
Prime Minister through the Cabinet Secretary, Sir Richard Wilson.
vi. There is a strong emphasis on practical results.
Most PIU reports are published as agreed Government policy and
move quickly into implementation.
vii. Current projects include: privacy and data-sharing;
workforce development; resource productivity and renewable energy;
global public health; the modernisation of government loans; and
a study on the UK's readiness for the future.
viii. The Unit has about 50-60 staff at any one time.
It is based in Admiralty Arch, just off Trafalgar Square.
1.1 A short-term project commissioned by the Prime Minister
in February 1999 to run alongside a longer term PIU project on
e-commerce. Report published in May 1999.
Key issues:
1.1 The key issues addressed by the project were:
The need to strike a balance between the aim of
making the UK the best place in the world for e-commerce and the
aim of ensuring that it remains a safe country in which to live
and work.
Identification of acceptable trade-offs between
increasing consumers' levels of trust in e-commerce through the
use of encryption technology and preserving law enforcement's
need to intercept and retrieve data.
Identification of the key techniques or systems
necessary to sustain law enforcement capabilities in the face
of increased use of encryption technology by criminals.
Key recommendations
3.1 The voluntary licensing of encryption providers will
improve consumer confidence and support the development of e-commerce.
But there should be no mandatory requirement for licensed providers
to retain "decryption keys" or to lodge them with third
3.2 The Government should adopt a new approach based
on co-operation with industry.
3.3 A new Government/industry joint forum should be established
to discuss the development of encryption technologies and to ensure
that the needs of law enforcement agencies are taken into account
by the market.
3.4 A new Technical Assistance Centre should be established,
operating on a 24-hour basis, to help law enforcement agencies
derive intelligence from lawfully intercepted encrypted communications
and lawfully retrieved stored data.
3.5 The UK Government should work with foreign governments
with a view to seeking support for a new forum to promote co-operation.
3.6 The report has helped to establish a new approach
to encryption based on closer co-operation between Government
and industry. This approach is being pursued through a Government-Industry
Forum on Encryption and Law Enforcement.
3.7 Two key pieces of legislation have been passed by
Part I of the Electronic Communications Act 2000
provides for a Government approvals regime for cryptographic service
providers. These providers are helping to develop the environment
for secure business-to-business and business-to-customer transactions
using cryptography.
Part III of the Regulation of Investigatory Powers
Act 2000 establishes the provisions to maintain the effectiveness
of existing law enforcement powers in the face of increasing criminal
use of encryption.
1.1 Project commissioned in the wake of the Competitiveness
White Paper published in Autumn 1998. The White Paper set the
aim of making the UK the best environment for electronic commerce.
The project report, e-commerce@its.best.uk, was published in September
Key issues
1.2 The project identified four key challenges to the
achievement of the Government's aims:
Lack of a clear regulatory framework and of clarity
in some areas of tax policy.
Low understanding of the potential benefits and
challenges at all levels in the public and private sectors.
Inter-connected issues relating to accessand
especially of delivery of on-line services at a local level.
The extent to which businesses and consumers lack
trust in e-commerce systems compared to physical channels.
Key recommendations
4.1 The project made 60 detailed recommendations grouped
around three key priorities:
Overcoming business inertiathe best UK
companies are world class, but many are lagging behind. There
is a clear need to bring all companies up to the level of the
best, with particular emphasis on small businesses.
Ensuring that Government's own actions drive the
take-up of e-commerceimmediate appointment of an e-Minister
and e-Envoy to drive through a sustained programme of activity
on electronic service delivery and electronic procurement.
Ensuring better co-ordination between Government
and industryto gain maximum benefit from existing and proposed
programmes on such things as access, regulatory framework and
tariff structures.
3.1 This highly influential report defined Government
thinking and policy development on e-commerce. It led to the establishment
of new mechanisms to co-ordinate and drive forward policy-making,
including the appointment of an e-Minister and e-Envoy to lead
work on the Information Age agenda across Government.
3.2 The report led to an accelerated timetable for getting
all Government services online (brought forward from 2008 to 2005)
and to the development of the UK online brand as a focus for communicating
all the Government's work in delivering electronic services. It
also led to a re-evaluation of the appropriate regulatory regime
for the converging sectors of telecommunications and broadcasting
and to a liberalised regime for the re-use of Government information
in digital form at marginal cost. A detailed summary of actions
taken is available on the e-envoy's website.
2.1 Project commissioned in December 1998 to clarify
the Government's overall objectives for rural economies. Report
published in December 1999.
Key issues
2.2 The key issues identified by the project were:
rural communities are facing a myriad of problems
as a result of social and economic change;
the current policy framework (rooted in the 1940s)
has failed to keep pace with changing priorities, and without
policy changes, these problems will only get worse;
a radical new approach to policy is needed based
on a clear and coherent vision for the future of the countryside.
Key recommendations
3.1 The Government should aim to encourage and support
the creation of productive, sustainable and inclusive rural economies.
This needs action in four main areas:
Economic policyincluding: making the planning
system more supportive of economic development and diversification;
introducing measures to develop the telecommunications infrastructure
in rural areas; enriching the rural skills base through the roles
of the Regional Development Agencies and University for Industry;
and providing better business advice in rural areas.
Environmental policyincluding: the development
of new policy instruments such as offset mechanisms and impact
charges; consideration of a national framework for basing the
protection of land on its environmental value; and directing more
agricultural support to agri-environment schemes.
Agricultural policyincluding: making the
reform of the CAP the key priority in future negotiations; using
the provisions of the CAP's Rural Development Regulation to re-direct
a proportion of direct payments to farmers into agri-environment
schemes and rural development.
Social policyincluding: innovative approaches
to service delivery; a specific commitment to boosting the role
of market towns; support for social housing; and improving access
to private, public and voluntary transport.
4.1 This well-received report formed the basis of the
Rural White Paper that was published on 28 November 2000. The
White Paper aims to ensure a fair deal for rural areas by delivering
high-quality services, tackling social exclusion, encouraging
economic diversity, protecting the countryside and increasing
local choice through parish and town councils.
4.2 Specific proposals include: an extra £37 million
extra for market town regeneration; £240 million for rural
transport schemes; provision of 9,000 affordable homes; and increased
help for farm diversification and conversion of redundant buildings.
In addition, the White Paper put in place a number of measures
to ensure the "rural proofing" of Government policies
and 15 new indicators covering all aspects of the countryside
to be reported on in an annual Countryside Report.
3.1 Project commissioned in December 1998 to look at
how Government can better deal with cross-cutting issues, and
what can be done to remove some of the barriers to "joining
up" the Whitehall "machine". Report published in
January 2000.
Key issues
3.2 The report identified the following key issues:
There is a tendency to take a provider-centred
perspective rather than thinking about the service user.
There is little incentive or reward for organisations
to contribute to corporate goals or those of another department
or organisation.
The skills and capacity to develop/deliver cross-cutting
solutions are often absent.
Budgets and organisational structures are arranged
around vertical (functional) lines rather than horizontal (cross-cutting)
Systems of accountability and the way risk is
handled can militate against innovative cross-cutting working.
The centre is not always effective at giving clear
strategic direction and conflict resolution mechanisms can be
Key recommendations
5.2 The report's 42 recommendations were aimed at bringing
about fundamental changes in six key areas:
stronger leadership from Ministers and senior
civil servantsto create a culture which values cross-cutting
policies and services, with systems of rewards and recognition
to reinforce desired outcomes;
improved policy formulation and implementationto
take better account of cross-cutting problems and issues, by giving
more emphasis to the interests and views of the those outside
central government and who use and deliver services;
equipping civil servants with the necessary skills
and capacity;
using budgets flexiblyto promote cross-cutting
working, including using more cross-cutting budgets and pooling
of resources;
using audit and external scrutinyto reinforce
cross-cutting working and encourage sensible risk taking;
using the centre (No10, Cabinet Office and Treasury)
to lead the drive to more effective cross-cutting approaches.
3.15 The report has significantly influenced thinking
and the direction of reform in a number of areas (eg Civil Service
reform). Cross cutting approaches were a central theme of the
2000 Spending Review which established a number of cross-cutting
budgets (eg £800 million over three years for Neighbourhood
Renewal and £450 million over three years to tackle child
poverty), and feature prominently in a number of Public Service
Agreements. A Policy Innovation Fund has been established to provide
£50 million a year from 2001-02 to support cross cutting
initiatives between Spending Reviews. The CMPS is organising new
training programmes and other activities for Ministers and civil
servants based on cross cutting working.
4.1 Project commissioned in December 1998 in the wake
of the Modernising Government White Paper to look critically
at the role of analysis and modelling in policy making. Report
published in January 2000.
Key issues
The demand for good quality analysis is not embedded
in the culture of central government.
External pressures (eg EU negotiations, manifesto
commitments) can constrain the scope for analysis.
Tight political deadlines do not always allow
time for proper analysis.
Long-term work tends to be crowded out by short-term
There is poor central co-ordination and planning.
The relevant analytical skills are in short supply.
Key recommendations
6.1 The report identified actions in five key areas in
order to bring about a fundamental change in culture:
the need for leadership from Ministers and senior
civil servantswho should expect and demand soundly based
analysis in support of policy;
the need for incentives for the highest standards
of analysisboth through new financial arrangements and
increased openness to scrutiny;
the need to plan analytical provision so it matches
policy needswith departments preparing analytical strategies
as part of their business plans;
the need to spread best practicethrough
such things as better networking between specialists in Government;
the use of more innovative approaches to recruit
and retain the best analystssuch as better use of promotion
and increased use of secondments.
4.14 Good progress has been made in bringing about the
fundamental change in culture sought by the project. On the demand
side, most departments are now planning to ensure that the selection
of policy instruments is based on evidence. An Evidence Based
Policy Fund has been created with a budget of £4 million
over two years to help fill gaps in research and analytical work.
The Treasury has developed a template for Departments to assess
whether their PSA objectives are underpinned by evidence.
4.15 On the supply side, the heads of the Government
Economic Service and other professional groups are taking forward
a review of the numbers/type of analysts needed in departments
to promote evidence based policy making.
5.1 Project commissioned in December 1998 with a brief
to look at how the co-ordination of central government activity
at a regional and local level could be improved. Report published
in February 2000.
Key issues
5.2 The project identified the following key issues:
Central Government initiatives which affect the
same people in local areas are not co-ordinated.
This lack of co-ordination is reducing the effectiveness
of these initiatives, not least in the areas that need them most.
Unnecessary management burdens are being placed
on local organisations.
Regional networks of Government Departments are
fragmented, with no part of central Government responsible for
bringing its contribution together to assist local areas.
These problems are becoming more acute.
Key recommendations
Establishment of a new Regional Co-ordination Unit based
in DETR but overseen by an external Minister to strengthen co-ordination
of policy initiatives.
Enhanced role for Government Offices in the Regions.
Government Offices to continue to work closely with Regional
Development Agencies.
Greater focus needed on strategic outcomes of central Government
initiatives affecting local areas, with success judged against
SR 2000 to make greater linking of area initiatives a priority.
4.1 The Regional Co-ordination Unit (RCU) was established
shortly after publication of the report and an increased role
for Government Offices in the Regions was also announced. The
RCU is overseen by the Minister of State for the Cabinet Office,
reporting to the Deputy Prime Minister.
5.2 Decisions in the 2000 Spending Review explicitly
reflected several of the report's conclusionsin particular,
the consolidation of regeneration programmes and the creation
of Local Strategic Partnerships to achieve better local integration.
5.3 New posts in the Government Offices, including regional
directors, are being recruited to carry out the role envisaged
in the report.
5.4 In October 2000, the RCU published an action plan
outlining how the Government intend to modernise the way it works
at regional and local level, in line with the PIU report. The
plan set out the aim of involving GOs more fully in a wide range
of policies, including neighbourhood renewal, local government,
rural issues, education, health, crime and drugs, asylum, prison
and probation issues, culture, media and sport, and legal services.
7.1 Project commissioned in December 1998 to assess the
implications for Government of the sharp decline in the number
of people working in their 50s and early 60s. Report published
in April 2000.
Key issues
6.1 In the past 20 years, the proportion of men between
50 and State Pension Age who are not working has doubled. A third
of men and women in this range (2.8 million people) are now not
Most have not left work voluntarily and almost
half receive most of their income in state benefits. Early exists
from work contribute substantially to poverty.
People who leave work early often experience growing
disillusionment and exclusion. They are not replacing paid work
with community activities such as volunteering.
The total economic cost is high. The cost to the
economy since 1979 amounts to £16 billion a year in lost
GDP and £3-5 billion in extra benefits and lost taxes.
Demographic factors mean that the problem could
get much worse.
4.1 Key recommendations
Changing the cultureby setting out the Government's
vision of the role and value of older people in society, and by
Government setting an example in its own employment practices.
Consideration of age discrimination legislation if the current
Code of Practice on Age Diversity is found to have been unsuccessful.
Enabling and encouraging over-50s to stay in workby
encouraging and supporting employers to create better and more
flexible working arrangements and improving occupational health.
Reducing perverse incentives to leave work early, particularly
regarding occupational pension schemes.
Helping and encouraging displaced workers to re-enter workby
building on measures that reach out to such people (eg New Deal
50plus) and ensuring that neither the Employment Service/Benefits
Agency assume that individuals cannot return to the labour market.
Helping older people to make use of their skills and experience
for the benefit of the wider communityby improving access
to, motivation towards and availability of volunteering opportunities.
4.1 A Cabinet-level Champion for Older People was appointed
to take forward implementation of the report's conclusions. A
government-wide strategy is being taken forward by an Inter-Ministerial
Group. Progress to date and programme for future action were highlighted
at a National Event for Older People on 17 May 2000. The DfEE
have commissioned research to support evaluation of the Code of
Practice. A number of changes to social security benefit rules
have been introduced or are being considered. Improved training
for ES staff has been introduced, and the revised Annual Performance
Agreement for the Employment Service allows priority to be given
to the New Deal 50+, which is receiving funding of £35 million
over three years.
7.1 Project commissioned in October 1999 to look at the
financial aspects of crime and what role pursuing the money trail
can play in the fight against crime. Report published in June
7.2 Key issues
The UK has had extensive legal powers to confiscate criminal
assets since 1986. But there are anomalies in the legal regime
and significant deficiencies in the use of legislative provisions.
In the last five years, confiscation orders have been raised
in an average of only 20 per cent of drugs cases in which they
were available, and in a mere 0.3 per cent of other crime cases.
Pursuit and recovery of criminal assets in the UK is failing
to deliver the intended attack on the proceeds of crime.
3.1 Key recommendations
Adoption of a more strategic approach, with joined-up action
from all relevant parts of the criminal justice system.
Better trained and supported law enforcement officers able
to pursue complex financial investigations.
A simpler and more robust legal regime, including extended
civil forfeiture powers.
Greater efforts to stem the laundering of criminal assets.
Full use of existing taxation powers.
New structures and incentive mechanisms to underpin all of
these changes.
6.1 The Home Office has published a Regulatory Impact
Assessment on the measures contained in the report which shows
that if just 10 per cent of the estimated amounts are seized that
they would still exceed the regulatory compliance cost. An interim
Head of Asset Confiscation is being appointed and, together with
a new cross-departmental committee, will be responsible for developing
the strategy. Plans are in place to establish a National Confiscation
Agency and Centre of Excellence next year.
6.2 The EU is currently considering a Second Money Laundering
Directive. This will extend the scope of money laundering regulations
to include operators outside of the financial professions, including
accountants and solicitors who form companies. It will also add
to the impetus for police and customs to investigate money laundering
6.3 The Home Secretary will publish the first annual
report on the progress of the Asset Confiscation Strategy next
8.1 Project commissioned in October 1999 to look at options
for modernising the Post Office network. Report published in June
8.2 Key issues
The Post Office network has been slow to modernise in the
face of a rapidly changing business environment.
The network is slowly shrinking as sub-postmasters retire
or give up their businesses and replacements cannot be found.
The network has become dependent on a few lines of business
and needs to diversify the products it offers to respond effectively
to changing needs and preferences.
The most important line of business is over-the-counter payment
of social security benefits. In May 1999, the Government announced
that, from 2003, it plans to change the normal method of payment
to automatic credit transfer (ACT) direct into bank accounts.
The Post Office needs to consider how best to seize new business
Key recommendations
5.1 The recommendations in the report sought three main
a much more entrepreneurial and more efficiently
run Post Officethat seizes opportunities to diversify into
new lines of business including: a Universal Bank; e-commerce;
and one-stop shops for Government information and transactions;
maintenance of an extensive network of post offices
in rural and urban deprived areasby preventing avoidable
closures in rural areas and investing in improved post offices
in urban deprived areas;
modernisation and re-invention of the Post Office
networkthrough rationalisation of the existing network
and creation of a smaller network of bigger, brighter post offices
that are open longer hours and offering better services to customers.
3.1 The report put in place a strategy backed by additional
funding of £270 million to modernise and safeguard the Post
Office network, with plans for new Universal Banking Services
to be delivered across post office counters from 2003, a firm
Government commitment to protect the rural network until 2006
and funding to modernise post offices in urban deprived areas.
3.2 Plans for the modernisation of the urban network
over the next 3-5 years are well underway. Innovative pilot schemes
for post offices to act as Government General Practitioners or
one stop shops for information and advice on government services
have been given Government backing.
9.1 Project commissioned in February 2000 as a contribution
to the Prime Minister's review of adoption policy. Report published
in July 2000.
9.2 Key issues
The role played by adoption has changed over the last three
decades from one of providing homes for relinquished babies to
providing permanent families for children of a range of agesoften
with challenging backgrounds.
Currently, many children wait in care for too long, with
adoption often seen as a last resort. There are wide variations
in local authority performance.
There is widespread concern about the fairness, clarity and
consistency of the process, and the time the whole procedure takes.
Key recommendations
3.1 Recommendations aimed at increasing the number of
adoptions of looked after children and put the needs of the child
first, were made in the following areas:
Attracting, recruiting and supporting more adoptersby
stepping up recruitment activity, setting up a National Adoption
Register and establishing new National Standards.
Achieving a step change in the performance of
Local Authoritiesthrough establishment of a clear national
policy for permanence and setting up a Taskforce to tackle poor
Making the court system work betterthrough
review and reform of care proceedings, introduction of judicial
case management of adoption proceedings, clarification of best
practice and improved training.
Changing the lawby aligning the Adoption
Act with the Children Act to provide a consistent basis for planning
for permanency and introducing new Placement Orders.
4.1 Work is currently being taken forward by Department
of Health on the establishment of:
a National Adoption Register to co-ordinate those
waiting to adopt with children needing new families;
new National Standards which local authorities
will need to follow, setting out clear timescales for making decisions
about children and clear criteria for assessing adopters;
an Adoption and Permanency Taskforce to spread
best practice, tackle poor performance and help all local authorities
to reach the standrds of the best;
a rapid scrutiny of the backlog of children waiting
to be placed with adoptive families.
4.2 The report's other conclusions were open to public
consultation until 6 October 2000. A White Paper has been published
outlining the new approach.
5. e.govElectronic Government Services for the twenty-first
10.1 Project commissioned in November 1999 to set a strategic
framework for the electronic delivery of Government services in
line with the Government's target of having all services available
on-line by 2005. Report published in September 2000.
10.2 Key issues
Government services are largely delivered through a single,
often paper-based, channel involving face-to-face interaction
and frequently attuned to the needs of the service producer rather
than the user.
New technology provides the opportunity to transform the
way that government services are designed and delivered.
But it also provides a number of challenges that will have
to be met in order for the full benefits to be realised.
Government has set itself the aim of having all of its services
available on-line by 2005.
4.1 Key recommendations
Electronic service delivery needs to be driven by the use
that citizens make of itwith better co-ordination of initiatives
to ensure that citizens have the skills, information and equipment
to interact electronically. There should also be measures to give
people mediated access to electronic services where they want
and need it. Government must also respond more effectively to
citizen preferences and make investment decisions on the basis
of service use.
Electronic delivery of government services should be opened
to the private and voluntary sectorscompetition will improve
service quality, stimulate innovation and improve value for money.
New incentives, levers and institutional structures need
to be put in place to make the transformation happenincluding
new funding and sharpened financial incentives to promote electronic
service delivery and the creation of a government incubator to
develop new service ideas.
The Government must continue to implement its rolling programme
of priority serviceswith a significant number of priority
citizen services funded for full implementation within the current
financial year.
11.10 The Office of the e-Envoy has been restructured
and expanded in line with the report's conclusions. The e-Minister
and e-Envoy are producing monthly progress reports. The project
has already helped to shape major spending decisions as part of
the Knowledge Economy strand of the latest Spending Review. The
Prime Minister has announced £1 billion of new funding for
the next three years to fund implementation of the report's recommendations
for putting government online.
10.11 DfEE are working closely with partners in co-ordinating
and delivering community based access initiatives. DCMS are actively
working with other departments and the industry to promote rapid
take-up of digital interactive TV
11.1 Project commissioned in December 1999 to provide
the UK Government with a policy framework for balancing social,
health and environmental objectives with that of increasing trade
liberalisation. Report published in September 2000.
11.2 Key issues
An open and rules-based trading system brings great opportunities
and benefits to both consumers and businesses.
But trade liberalisation also presents challenges on the
environment, conditions at work, human health and animal welfare.
Consumers want more and clearer information about how and
where products are made. And yet there is a danger that these
issues may be used as a cloak for increased protectionism with
negative impacts for alland especially developing countries.
There is a need for a more informed public debate on the
issues and a clear framework for what Government can do to influence
policies at an international level.
4.1 Key conclusions
Opening international markets can be expected to benefit
social, health and environmental standards over time by raising
living standardsbut only if supported by the right policies.
Developed countries and international institutions need to
do more to help poorer countries gain market access for their
products and to implement supportive policiesunilateral
trade restrictions will almost always be counter-productive.
World trade rounds are not suitable as the main forum for
negotiating non-trade issues.
The role of the World Trade Organisation is poorly understood,
but it provides an effective framework for trade.
The trade rules need more clarity and transparency in several
areas including production processes, product labelling and the
precautionary principle; improvements are also needed to the dispute
settlement processes.
More multilateral agreements are needed to address social,
health and environmental issues, with these agreements and trade
rules mutually supporting each other.
There is much that business and consumers can do to influence
standards and government can play an enabling role in encouraging
voluntary initiatives by business and better product labelling.
12.13 The report is unique in addressing these issues
from a government perspective and it has been widely influential
within the WTO, European Commission, UNCTAD and other international
bodies. The Government is using the report's conclusions to inform
its thinking on each of the relevant policy issues as they come
up for review and to achieve a more informed dialogue with stakeholders.
It is encouraging other governments and institutions to take the
report's conclusions into account in their own thinking.
8.1 A joint research project with the Home Office looking
at the social and economic impact of migration. To be published
Leadership in the public sector
8.2 To consider the needs of public sector leadership
in the future, identify and assess key existing development programmes,
develop best practice to help public sector organisations to get
good leaders into place, and identify practical ways of increasing
diversity in public sector leadership. Concluding in early 2001.
Sponsor Minister Estelle Morris.
Privacy and data-sharing
8.3 To consider the broad range of issues involved in
privacy and data-sharing, including public concerns on privacy
and confidentiality; current government, private sector and international
practices; structural and technological issues; and current legal
parameters. Concluding in Spring 2001. Sponsor Minister Lord Falconer.
Health in developing countries
8.4 To consider what incentives Government can employ
to harness the efforts of the pharmaceutical industry to combat
HIV/AIDS, TB and Malaria in developing countries. Sponsor ministers
Peter Hain and Stephen Timms.
Resource productivity
8.5 To consider the contribution that the development
and application of renewable energy technologies can make to economic
growth and environmental protection within the context of more
efficient use of natural resources and sustainable development.
Sponsor minister Yvette Cooper.
Workforce development
8.6 To examine the case that the UK under-invests in
workplace learning and development, and to propose a strategy
for tackling problems that are identified. Sponsor minister Lord
Modernising government loans
8.7 To consider the principles of when to use loans rather
than other forms of government intervention and what form these
loans should take once a case for intervention has been made.
Sponsor minister Andrew Smith.
Strategic challenges
8.8 The unit is also following up work it carried out
in 1999 to identify the key medium and long-term strategic challenges
and opportunities facing Government.