Select Committee on Science and Technology Fourth Report

Annex: Outline of the Committee's visit to Washington DC, 22nd - 24th June 1998


22nd June 1998

Evening briefing with British Embassy staff

Mr Christopher Whaley, Counsellor (Science & Technology, Energy Environment)

Ms Philippa Rogers, First Secretary (Science & Technology)

23rd June 1998

Meetings at the British Embassy

Professor Chris Hill, Vice President for Research and Professor of Public Policy, George Mason University

Dr Albert Teich, Director of Science and Policy Programs, American Association for the Advancement of Science

John Covver, Former Director of Medical Technology Assessment, Health Insurance Association of America

Topics discussed: The scientific advisory system within the US Congressional System and at the White House; the science budget and congressional scrutiny of the science budget; R&D funding; the role of the American Association for the Advancement of Science and the former Office of Technology Assessment; health insurance and experimental treatments.

Meeting at the National Academy of Sciences

Dr Bruce Alberts, President, National Academy of Sciences

Dr Bill Colglazier, Executive Officer, National Academy of Sciences

Dr Sherburne Abbot, Executive Director, Board of Sustainable Development

Dr Robert Cook-Deegan, Director, National Cancer Policy Board

Dr Kevin Cowley, Director, Board on Radioactive Waste Management

Topics discussed: The role of the National Academy of Science and its parallel organisations (the National Research Council, the National Academy of Engineering and the Institute of Medicine) in advice to Government; Global Change and the role of the Board on Sustainable Development; the role of the National Cancer Policy Board; the impact of NAS/NRC reports; the role of the Board on Radioactive Waste Management; developments in genetics.

24th June 1998

Breakfast meeting

Dr Mike Tilsen     Department of Energy

Mr Colin Norman  Science Magazine

Dr Robert Frisk    Congressional Research Service

Topics discussed: Science funding, US energy policy; US public attitudes to climate change; the role of the Congressional Research Service; the effectiveness of the National Academy of Science; US media coverage of scientific issues.

Meetings at the House of Representatives

Representative Dr Vernon Ehlers, Vice Chairman of the Committee on Science, House of Representatives

Representative George Brown, Ranking minority member (Democrat), House Science Committee

Representative F James Sensenbrenner, Chairman of the House Science Committee

Topics discussed: The role and work of the House Science Committee; scientific advice within Congress; US science policy and the science budget; the abolition of the Office of Technology Assessment; the role of the Office of Science and Technology Policy; global warming and the Kyoto Protocol.

Meeting with the Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP)

Dr Neal Lane, Director of the OSTP and Chief Scientific Advisor to the President

Dr Arthur Bienenstock, Associate Director for Science

Ms Rachel Levinson, Assistant Director, Life Sciences

Topics discussed: The role of the OSTP and the Chief Scientific Advisor to the President; their relationship with the President's Committee of Advisors of Science and Technology (PCAST) and the National Science and Technology Council (NCTC).

[An outline of the Committee's visit to Boston, 25th - 26th June 1998 was published as Annex 3 to the Committee's Report on Engineering and Physical Sciences Based Innovation, Second Report of Session 1999-2000, HC 195-I.]

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