BNFL | British Nuclear Fuels Limited
DETR | Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions
DGTREN | Directorate General for Energy and Transport
DTI | Department of Trade and Industry
EPSRC | Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
ETSU | Energy and Technology Support Unit
EU | European Union |
FP | Framework Programme |
FWPV | Floating Wave Power Vessel
GW | GigaWatt |
IEA | International Energy Authority
kV | kiloVolt |
kW | kiloWatt |
kWh | kiloWatt hour |
MAFF | Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food
MoD | Ministry of Defence |
MW | MegaWatt |
NERC | Natural Environment Research Council
NETA | New Electricity Trading Arrangement
NFFO | Non Fossil Fuel Obligation
NGC | National Grid Company |
NI-NFFO | Northern Ireland Non Fossil Fuel Obligation
OFFER | Office of Electricity Regulation
OFGAS | Office of Gas and Supply
Ofgem | Office of Gas and Electricity Markets
OFREG | Office for the Regulation of Electricity and Gas
p/kWh | pence per kiloWatt hour
PES | Public Electricity Supplier
PIU | Performance and Innovation Unit
RCEP | Royal Commission on Environmental Pollution
REC | Regional Electricity Company
RO | Renewables Obligation |
SEEF | Scottish Energy and Environment Foundation
SPRU | Science and Technology Policy Research Unit
SRO | Scottish Renewables Obligation
TBT | tributylin |
TOE | Tonne of Oil Equivalent
TW | TeraWatt |
WEC | Wave Energy Convector |